The News (New Glasgow)

Smooth going

Students from NRHS class visit child care centre, help with activities


Emily Mattatall helps children at the Spring Garden Child Care Centre as they use the slide at the care centre. Mattatall was part of a Northumber­land Regional High School class that has been periodical­ly visiting Spring Garden Child Care Centre over the past few weeks as part of their Child Studies class. See story page 3.

Children at the Spring Garden Child Care Centre showed their gratitude to some new friends from Northumber­land Regional High School Wednesday by giving them bookmarks they’d made and singing a song for them.

It marked the end of a partnershi­p that has seen NRHS students periodical­ly visiting Spring Garden Child Care Centre over the past few weeks as part of their Child Studies class.

“They’ve been learning about child developmen­t and have planned and visited to implement activities with the children,” said Jennifer Wagner who owns the Spring Garden Child Care Centre.

The children have looked forward to those visits and Wagner hopes the students from NRHS have enjoyed it as well.

“It’s been a great chance to connect these two age groups,” she said.

The Spring Garden Child Care Centre focuses on play-based learning and students were able to see first-hand that learning approach in action.

Grade 11 student Isabella

Mason said she really enjoyed getting to work with the children and help them learn small things like how to tie their shoe and read books.

Emily Mattatall agreed and

said the experience will definitely have her considerin­g whether to pursue a career in early childhood education.

NRHS teacher Dawn MacKenzie said there were 26 students

who took part in the visits and she believes the experience will help foster a great understand­ing and empathy.

“It’s been a very positive experience,” she said.

 ??  ?? ADAM MACINNIS/THE NEWS Children at the Spring Garden Child Care Centre sang a song Wednesday for students they met over the last few weeks from Northumber­land Regional High School. The NRHS students are in a Child Studies class and as part of it...
ADAM MACINNIS/THE NEWS Children at the Spring Garden Child Care Centre sang a song Wednesday for students they met over the last few weeks from Northumber­land Regional High School. The NRHS students are in a Child Studies class and as part of it...

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