The News (New Glasgow)

Movember is a reminder for people to take health seriously.


It’s probably nothing: just a burning sensation. Just a little blood. Just a reoccurrin­g bad memory.

There’s a plethora of excuses as to why people — especially men — brush off signs and symptoms of illness until it’s too late to pursue effective treatment.

But, thanks to Movember’s awareness campaign, men’s health issues are being thrust into the spotlight throughout November. It’s a small step towards normalizin­g something that for far too long has been kept private.

As men grow unruly moustaches to raise funds for much-needed research, people learn more about the diseases that far too often take men’s lives.

Despite all the progress that’s been made, there’s still a persistent silence when it comes to men being in tune with their bodies and openly talking to a health-care profession­al or a friend when something feels ‘off.’ But for many, coming forward means a chance to get help early — and that can mean the difference between life or death.

In 2020 alone, it’s estimated that 23,300 Canadian men will be diagnosed with cancer, and 4,200 will die from it.

Overall, one in nine Canadian men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime, and one in 29 will die from it.

Odds are, you will know someone in your lifetime who has battled, or will battle, this disease.

In 2020, it’s also estimated that testicular cancer will affect about 1,150 Canadian men, and 35 will die from the disease.

But it’s more than just cancer that Movember aims to highlight. It’s depression. Suicide. Mental conditions that often go untreated because of a perceived stigma.

An estimated 10 men die by suicide every day in Canada, with each death impacting at least seven to 10 friends and family members.

But there is hope.

More people are getting diagnosed early, getting treated earlier and are surviving.

For example, the five-year survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Canada is 93 per cent. That’s a tremendous improvemen­t since Movember started in Canada 14 years ago.

It’s time to stop putting up blockades when it comes to talking about health — whether it’s mental or physical. There is nothing weak about seeking help or advice.

It’s not easy talking about what ails you. But it’s vital. And it’s courageous. And it could very well save your life, or the life of someone you love.

So, if something doesn’t seem right, speak up; seek help; and get checked out. At the very least, it’ll give you peace of mind.

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