The Niagara Falls Review

Alarms save Port Colborne family


A family of five was saved by their fire alarms Sunday morning when a fire broke out in their Port Colborne home.

Michelle Szabo, husband Rob and sons Nathaniel, Adam and Zack were in the home at 2620 Brookfield Rd., between Second and Third Concession­s, when the fire started.

“I was so scared, I was pounding on their doors yelling “There’s a fire! Get out! Get out!’” Michelle said.

The family’s fire alarms were what alerted them to the fire in the basement.

Adam said he thought his mom had just burned something while cooking when he first heard the alarm go off.

Port Colborne Fire and Emergency Services were called to the basement fire at about 9:30 a.m. Fire chief Tom Cartwright said the fire began near a wood burning heater.

When firefighte­rs arrived at the house, Cartwright said, there was heavy smoke coming from the building. The fire took about a half-hour to get under control.

Rob and Nathaniel were taken to hospital and treated for smoke inhalation. Michelle said Rob had minor injuries on his hands that she thinks were burns.

The Szabo family was able to get their dog and one cat out of the house in time. Michelle said they didn’t immediatel­y know where their second cat was, but they hoped it had escaped outside.

Cartwright said there was heavy water and smoke damage inside the home, so the family will not be able to return for some time. Cartwright was unable to determine for how long.

A damage estimate was immediatel­y available.

The Red Cross was called to assist the family until they are able to find housing and clothing.

“It’s crazy to think this is what we have to wear, our pyjamas to go shopping in,” Michelle said.

One backup tanker truck was brought in from Welland to ensure there was enough water. Five trucks with about 20 firefighte­rs worked to extinguish the blaze.

 ?? SUPPLIED PHOTO ?? Adam Szabo, front, and his brother Nathaniel hug their father Rob, centre, in front of their home at 2620 Brookfield Rd. as Port Colborne firefighte­rs work to extinguish a basement fire Sunday morning.
SUPPLIED PHOTO Adam Szabo, front, and his brother Nathaniel hug their father Rob, centre, in front of their home at 2620 Brookfield Rd. as Port Colborne firefighte­rs work to extinguish a basement fire Sunday morning.

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