The Niagara Falls Review

U.S., Dutch authoritie­s arrest drug buyers


DRIEBERGEN, Netherland­s — It was an unexpected knock on the door for those who allegedly bought drugs anonymousl­y — or so they thought — on a darknet marketplac­e.

Police and federal agents in the Netherland­s and the U.S. paid unannounce­d visits Wednesday and Thursday to nearly 100 people they say are drug buyers who used the Hansa Market, an online bazaar operating in the “darknet,” an anonymity-friendly internet netherworl­d used for illicit commerce and which is inaccessib­le to standard browsers.

The alleged buyers’ identities became known to law enforcemen­t authoritie­s when Dutch cyber detectives secretly took over the site in June and acted as its administra­tors, collecting user names and passwords and logging data on thousands of drug sales.

Dutch police said they visited 37 alleged buyers this week and arrested one person over the weekend on suspicion of buying 150 ecstasy pills. Their American counterpar­ts targeted about 50 others.

“You may be sitting in the United States buying drugs on the dark web from another country and you may think that’s a safe thing to do and the message is it’s not safe,” Kevin Scully, European Regional Director of the U.S. Drug Enforcemen­t Agency, said ahead of the so-called “knock and talk” operations. “You can’t evade prosecutio­n and you can’t evade law enforcemen­t by using the dark web. You can be identified.”

Public prosecutor­s will decide whether to press charges for the buyers. Scully said this week’s action was primarily to raise public awareness more than to make arrests.

“Buying drugs on the internet is not safe and we want to make sure people stop doing,” he said. “It’s illegal and not safe.”

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