The Niagara Falls Review

We’ve all seen this movie before

- Martin Regg Cohn covers Ontario politics for Torstar newspapers. MARTIN REGG COHN

Here’s how I spent my winter vacation: driving to the land of Donald Trump, only to discover that my homeland had taken a right turn into Doug Ford territory.

Anyone visiting the U.S. knows the feelings of envy we evoke in American friends who coo over our Canadian cool. In their eyes, Justin Trudeau is the anti-Trump — prone, perhaps, to overdressi­ng on road trips with a fashion faux-pas, but a welcome foil all the same.

Seen through their eyes, it’s easy to see why. While we read about Trump’s depredatio­ns in the abstract, online, they live with his decisions as a daily reality on the ground.

When you’re staying with American friends and comparing notes with Washington journalist­s, it hits home. Herewith, a few lessons learned on the perils of populism and the popular press in the time of Trump and in the dawn of a Doug Ford era.

First, the old storyline that casts Canada as a sanctuary of sanity (and our PM as a paragon of politics) is being rewritten. A chill wind is blowing from the country of cool as Toronto’s old Ford Nation juggernaut hits the comeback (and campaign) trail across the province.

Americans have seen this script before, just like Torontonia­ns.

On this trip we visited the National Portrait Gallery, where crowds line up to see the recently unveiled paintings of Barack and Michelle Obama. But it was a picture of P.T. Barnum that caught my eye, notably the explanator­y label that captured the essence of the circus showman back then, the U.S. president today, and perhaps the next premier of Ontario:

“The greatest impresario of the nineteenth century, P.T. Barnum was a shrewd judge of popular taste and an intuitive master of the art of publicity who tickled the public’s imaginatio­n and gleefully exploited its credulity for more than 50 years,” the caption explained helpfully.

Against that historical backdrop, how do we restore sanity amid the inanity of today? Journalist­s are deeply ambivalent about the penchant for populists to tell blatant falsehoods, because even exposing their unfounded claims often has the effect of amplifying them to a wider audience.

I asked an old friend, New York Times White House correspond­ent Mark Landler, what lessons he has learned from reporting on Trump’s ascendancy.

“The only course for journalist­s is to keep our heads down, keep reporting, keep trying to separate policy from pronouncem­ents and not be intimidate­d by either Trump’s defenders or those who attack us, “Landler told me. Public figures remain accountabl­e, so their outlandish statements can hardly be ignored, but they can surely be parsed for context and accuracy.

I also asked an old colleague, the Toronto Star’s Washington bureau chief, Daniel Dale, for his unique perspectiv­e after first covering the Ford brothers from city hall, and then pioneering a new story structure that deconstruc­ts Trump’s tall tales.

He cautioned against the media’s temptation to give wildly disproport­ionate space in mid-campaign to the loudest voices. Balanced coverage means not just fair reporting but equal time for the major players, so that those who are most controvers­ial don’t get all the air time.

“One of the biggest failures of the media with Trump was letting him dominate the coverage … it got ratings, “Dale says.

“You can’t let his tone and bluster suck up all the oxygen/”

Make no mistake. Network TV made Donald Trump into a commanding figure long before Facebook’s fake news or Russia’s meddling. And the media remade the Ford brothers into mythical figures fighting the “elites” long before Trump appropriat­ed that battle cry.

There’s no magic antidote to amplificat­ion — that’s what the media does by default. But greater awareness of how populists play the game may shed light on the circus atmosphere that Barnum first trademarke­d as “The Greatest Show on Earth.”

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