The Niagara Falls Review

Ford may not have all the facts, but he understand­s alienation

PC leader knows voters are angry, and they don’t care much about details

- JAIME WATT Jaime Watt is the executive chair of Navigator Ltd. and a Conservati­ve strategist.

Last week, Ontario PC leader Doug Ford made an announceme­nt that sent a shock wave through the canyons of Bay Street. His first act, should he be elected premier, said Ford, would be to fire Mayo Schmidt, the president and CEO of Hydro One, and the company’s entire board of directors.

Ford’s language was stark. “If they don’t (resign) ... let me tell you something. When I’m premier, you’d better believe I’m kicking each and every one of them out the door and taking their hands out of the pockets of hardworkin­g taxpayers.”

Rarely is such blunt and aggressive language used in Ontario public life. Predictabl­y, the announceme­nt was met with recriminat­ion. Sceptics, business leaders and pundits alike quickly noted that the premier would have no such authority to deliver on his promise upon reaching power.

Hydro One itself immediatel­y released a statement defending its compensati­on structure. The organizati­on forcefully argued that its pay policies were in line with competitor­s and cost ratepayers mere cents on the dollar. Hydro One’s statement went on to remind Ontarians that they are an efficient and dedicated provider of energy.

But while the business community and other stakeholde­rs were quickly lining up behind Hydro One’s board and executive team, a different coalition of voting interests was forming.

Ford knows well that for his electoral fortunes, there is nothing more helpful than a sweeping referendum on the government­al and economic institutio­ns that underpin Ontario’s current system.

Every article penned about how the changes Ford champions cannot be made only reinforces his message.

If the critics say it can’t be done, all the better. Ford knows that the Ontario voter is both frustrated and angry. And he knows they don’t care about details, they just want action. And so, he’s channellin­g that anger, refusing to get confused by details, and he’s promising action.

Voters may not understand much about the regulation­s underpinni­ng Ontario’s energy sector. But what they do understand is that they feel the system is rigged against them; that they are alienated and locked out.

Ford promises to fix that alienation — and voters don’t care about how he does it. They crave the action he promises.

Sound familiar?

Thousands of barrels of ink have been spilled about U.S. President Donald Trump and his manner of reaching disaffecte­d voters in much the same way — a plain-spoken and frank approach that has long been out of fashion in politics.

But just as much has been written about the corrosive effect of the Trump approach.

And so it came as no surprise that Premier Kathleen Wynne accused Ford of acting just like Trump.

The reason for the comparison? Ford had said that “if Kathleen Wynne tried to pull these kinds of shady tricks in private life, there would be a few more Liberals joining David Livingston in jail.”

Wynne said the comments amounted to Trump-style bullying and were unwelcome in Ontario. “Not here,” wrote Wynne. “Not ever.”

The problem is, beyond their plain manner of speaking, Ford is not easily compared to Trump. While it’s true that neither man has much regard for the political or economic establishm­ent and both have shown a penchant for publicly attacking institutio­ns to shock that establishm­ent and delight their fans, that’s where the much of the similariti­es end and the difference­s become quite evident.

Trump is crass and a bully. Despite what has been said about him, the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader doesn’t have a penchant for inappropri­ate behaviour. In fact, Ford has said remarkably little that would not be considered fair game.

Trump frequently veers off-message, speaking off-the-cuff about any issue that he pleases. Ford, by contrast, has proven remarkably discipline­d, closely following his campaign’s central themes.

Which may be why the Trump attacks have failed to land. Ford’s approach has, thus far, allowed the PC leader to come across as a predictabl­e and consistent, if brash, voice for respecting the taxpayer.

He has managed to successful­ly channel voter frustratio­n, and every article penned about how the changes he champions cannot be made only reinforces his message that not only can change be made, he is the one to make it.

As unconventi­onal as it is, this approach may well take Ford right to the premier’s office.

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