The Niagara Falls Review

Most Canadians pleased with pace of loosening restrictio­ns, poll suggests

Alberta is exception, with half of respondent­s there preferring more caution


OTTAWA—As provinces start to tiptoe toward normalcy by gently lifting restrictio­ns aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, a new poll suggests Canadians are largely happy with the pace.

People in most provinces taking steps to reopen were between 60 and 70 per cent supportive of those moves, while 16 to 30 per cent would like to see their government slow down a little.

Some provinces have already begun loosening physical distancing measures put in place as the growth in the number of COVID-19 cases started picking up steam in March.

In Quebec, the province is allowing some retail stores to reopen outside of Montreal with an eye to reopen the manufactur­ing and constructi­on sectors next week.

Ontario, with the secondhigh­est number of confirmed cases in the country, is allowing the partial reopening of some seasonal businesses. Manitoba has gone even further, allowing slightly restricted access to libraries, museums and restaurant patios.

But in Alberta, which plans to allow certain retail stores, restaurant­s and daycare centres to reopen as early as May 14, people seem less comfortabl­e with how quickly things are moving.

There, 50 per cent of respondent­s would like the province to slow down.

The poll, conducted by Leger and the Associatio­n for Canadian Studies between May 1 and 3, surveyed 1,526 adult Canadians and 1,002 adult Americans randomly recruited from its online panel. The internet-based survey cannot be assigned a margin of error because online polls are not considered random samples.

“Alberta is a bit different,” said Christian Bourque, vice-president of Leger. “Everywhere else, people seem to be in tune with what their government­s have announced.”

Bourque was surprised by the latest results, considerin­g similar polls in the last weeks indicated Canadians wanted to see major milestones hit before physical distancing measures were lifted, such as the developmen­t of a vaccine or a twoweek period without new cases.

“I expected people to be even more cautious than they are,” he said.

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