The Peterborough Examiner

Spicer calls his Hitler comment ‘inexcusabl­e and reprehensi­ble’


WASHINGTON — White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday that his attempt to compare the Holocaust and Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons was “inexcusabl­e and reprehensi­ble” and was made all the worse by this being a holy week for Christians and Jews.

He said the comment, made Tuesday at the White House briefing, was personally and profession­ally disappoint­ing, and he asked for “folks’ forgivenes­s.”

“To make a gaffe and a mistake like this is inexcusabl­e and reprehensi­ble,” Spicer said during a previously scheduled appearance at a forum on the presidency and the press sponsored by the Newseum. Christians are preparing for Easter on Sunday, and Jews are celebratin­g Passover.

“It really is painful to myself to know that I did something like that,” Spicer said. “That obviously was not my intention. To know when you screw up that you possibly offended a lot of people ... I would ask obviously for folks’ forgivenes­s to understand that I should not have tried to make a comparison.”

It was Spicer’s second apology in as many days, following an initial mea culpa Tuesday during an interview with CNN.

Earlier Tuesday during the daily White House briefing, Spicer told reporters that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.” The comment drew an instant rebuke from critics, who noted the remark ignored Hitler’s use of gas chambers to exterminat­e Jews during the Holocaust.

Reaction to Spicer’s initial comment continued Wednesday, with Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial inviting him to visit its website.

In the CNN interview, Spicer said his comments did not reflect Trump’s views but “were a distractio­n from him and frankly were misstated, insensitiv­e and wrong.” He added, “Obviously it was my blunder.” Spicer reiterated that sentiment at Wednesday’s forum.

After making the initial comment, Spicer was asked about it again during the briefing but offered a garbled defence in which he tried to differenti­ate between Hitler’s actions and the gas attack on Syrian civilians last week. The attack in northern Syria left nearly 90 people dead. Turkey said sarin gas was used.

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no, he (Hitler) was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,” Spicer said. “There was clearly ... I understand your point, thank you. There was not ... He brought them into the Holocaust centre I understand that.”

After the briefing, Spicer emailed reporters a statement that said: “In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust. I was trying to draw a distinctio­n of the tactic of using airplanes to drop chemical weapons on population centres. Any attack on innocent people is reprehensi­ble and inexcusabl­e.”

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