The Peterborough Examiner

Austerity only real way to reduce global warming


All forms of carbon pricing are cash grabs by government unless they succeed in changing human behaviour.

Carbon taxes and cap and trade (a carbon tax by another name) do nothing to address man-made global warming on their own.

They are failures unless they succeed in moving human behaviour toward voluntary austerity.

That is, toward the acceptance of a higher cost of living, leading to the lower consumptio­n of fossil fuel energy, leading to a reduction in industrial carbon dioxide emissions linked to man-made climate change.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is correct in saying that reducing man-made greenhouse gas emissions in a developed nation like Canada, would require a commitment similar to the one Canadians were willing to make in the Second World War.

Not in terms of lives lost, but in terms of a willingnes­s to endure a sustained period of economic hardship to achieve a desired goal.

Of course, for this to happen, our leaders must lead by example.

In the Second World War, Winston Churchill famously promised his nation nothing but, “blood, toil, tears and sweat,” but also the assurance he would die with them, if necessary, to defend freedom.

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, refused to leave England for her personal safety and regularly toured bombed-out sections of London to commiserat­e with those who had been hit, famously declaring she was glad when Buckingham Palace was bombed because, “it makes me feel I can look the East End in the face.”

These leaders understood that to successful­ly ask for sacrifices from the public, they had to lead by example.

Now fast forward to today and ask yourself this.

Given that they say man-made climate change poses an imminent, existentia­l threat to humanity, do our leaders act like it?

Does Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when he wings off on a carbon-spewing winter break vacation on the private Bahamas island of the billionair­e Aga Khan, with family and friends?

Or when he hauled a carbonemit­ting delegation twice as large as America’s and three times as large as the U.K.’s to the 2015 UN climate treaty talks in Paris?

Does former U.S. president Barack Obama, when he vacations in Tahiti on a 454-foot, $300-million yacht owned by billionair­e David Geffen, along with other noted environmen­talists Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springstee­n and Tom Hanks?

Or course, Obama is no longer president and can do what he likes. But considerin­g that at the start of his presidency he predicted it would mark the moment when, “the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal” in relation to global warming, may we now safely conclude he had feet of clay?

As George Monbiot, the world’s most prominent journalist on climate change, writing in Heat, How To Stop The Planet From Burning, notes: “Well meaning people are as capable of destroying the biosphere as the executives of Exxon . ... Thinking like ethical people, dressing like ethical people, decorating our homes like ethical people, makes not a damn of difference unless we also behave like ethical people.”

Monbiot was specifical­ly talking about the issue of flying, but his point applies to all carbon intensive human activities.

When our own leaders fail to set an example of the sacrifices they are demanding of us, they expose their carbon pricing schemes for what they are.

Government cash grabs. Nothing more.

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