The Peterborough Examiner

Council has a duty to follow the rules


It seems the effort to keep Peterborou­gh casino-free is not over yet. There is a legal challenge before the courts based on the illegal meeting of November 2015 in which council, in a closed session, directed staff to go ahead with the Crawford site, in contravent­ion of the Municipal Act. I would think it is prudent of council to wait for the court case and see what the law has to say before plunging ahead with the project. That does not seem to be the intention, unfortunat­ely. Coun. Beamer dismissed the legal determinat­ion of lawyer Nigel Bellechamb­er for adjudicato­r Amberley Gavel, as “just an opinion.”

What message are we sending to our children and grandchild­ren when the municipal government thumbs their nose at the law?

I applaud Roy Brady for taking council to court. It’s one thing to play heavy handed with the majority of Peterborou­gh residents who have always voted at least 2/3 against having a casino, and another to flippantly dismiss adherence to the laws of the province.

Without going into all the issues which were denied an airing when the city bought off the DBIA thus aborting the OMB hearing, two items stand out: the 600 jobs promised in 2013 has now dwindled to 185; and the Crawford site is indeed next to a provincial­ly significan­t wetland. Not good planning, as I always contended. Good luck with your applicatio­n, Mr. Brady!

Carleen Johnson Wallace St.

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