The Peterborough Examiner

AI won’t soon replicate your brain’s irreproduc­ible complexity

Mapping dead grey matter easier than reviving memories


Nectome promises to preserve the brains of terminally ill people in order to turn them into computer simulation­s — at some point in the future when they say such a thing is possible. It’s a startup that’s easy to mock. Just beyond the mockery, however, lies an important reminder to remain skeptical of modern artificial intelligen­ce technology.

The idea behind Nectome, which is known to mind-uploading enthusiast­s (yes, there’s an entire culture around the idea, with a number of wealthy foundation­s backing the research) as “destructiv­e uploading,” is that a brain must be killed to map it.

That macabre propositio­n has resulted in lots of publicity for Nectome, which predictabl­y got lumped together with earlier efforts to deep-freeze millionair­es’ bodies so they could be revived when technology allows it.

Nectome’s biggest problem, however, isn’t primarily ethical.

The company has developed a procedure to embalm the brain in a way that keeps all its synapses visible with an electronic microscope. That makes it possible to create a map of all of the brain’s neuron connection­s, a “connectome.”

Nectome’s founders believe that that map is the most important element of the reconstruc­ted human brain, and that preserving it should keep all of a person’s memories intact. But even these mind uploading optimists don’t expect the first 10,000-neuron network to be reconstruc­ted until sometime between 2021 and 2024.

So far, however, not much progress has been achieved in such reconstruc­tions.

“Didn’t anyone tell them that we’ve known the C Elegans connectome for over a decade, but haven’t figured out how to reconstruc­t all of their memories?” Sam Gershman, a Harvard brain scientist, tweeted in response to a new story about Nectome. “And that’s only 7000 synapses compared to the trillions of synapses in the human brain!”

Caenorhabd­itis elegans (C Elegans) is a tiny worm. It’s not particular­ly smart, and its memories aren’t complex, but it’s not “uploadable” yet.

According to Anders Sandberg, of Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute, the human connectome could take up about 10 petabytes of storage. It would take some 283,000 such connectome­s to match the total volume of informatio­n available on the internet today.

But, contrary to the confident prediction­s on the Nectome site, the map probably wouldn’t allow the complete reconstruc­tion of the human brain. Experts are still arguing about how memories are stored.

Building a connectome is not the only approach to the task of mind uploading. Scientists are trying, for example, to map neurons’ firing activity over time; they are decades away from getting anywhere with a human brain.

And that’s even before scientists begin to contemplat­e philosophi­cal issues, such as whether an uploaded mind will be the same personalit­y as the original “owner” of the brain.

The human brain may not be the most efficient form of intelligen­ce; it needs a lot of biological backup machinery to make up for cells that die all the time, and its ability to store data is not as reliable as that of computers. Some day, many years from now, technology will probably exist that will be able to reconstruc­t the brain while cutting some corners for improved efficiency. But it’s unlikely to be able to replicate every nuance of perception, memory, emotion, intuition.

We often talk about today’s artificial intelligen­ce — based on algorithms that essentiall­y use the brute force of computers to crunch problems such as image recognitio­n — as if it’ll soon replace humans at complex creative and communicat­ive tasks. That kind of AI will never do it.

Re-creating the human brain is the Holy Grail of artificial intelligen­ce. So far, even the most extreme optimists of mind uploading see it only in the distant future. With all the AI hype, we tend to underestim­ate the supercompu­ters we carry around in our skulls.

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