The Peterborough Examiner

Witnesses unclear which shot killed victim, trial told


HAMILTON — Either one of two shotgun blasts that hit an Indigenous man from within a couple of metres would have killed him, a second-degree murder trial was told on Monday.

However, an experience­d forensic pathologis­t testified, it was not possible to say which of the two shots the homeowner who is charged in the case fired first.

What was clear, Dr. Allison Edgecombe said, is that Peter Khill, 28, fired both shots downwards at Jon Styres.

“There was certainly a lot of discussion which wound came first, which I was not able to determine,” she told prosecutor Steve O’Brien. “(But) the person with the weapon had to be higher than the person who was shot.”

Court has heard how Khill’s girlfriend alerted him to a possible intruder at about 3 a.m. on Feb. 4, 2016. Khill, who lived in Glanbrook, a rural area outside Hamilton, grabbed his Remington 12-gauge shotgun, loaded two shells and went out into the darkness to confront Styres, 29, who was apparently trying to steal Khill’s 15-year-old pickup truck.

“He approached Jonathan, raised his gun, took aim and at close range pulled the trigger,” prosecutor James Nidal told the court in his opening address. “He racked the pump-action shotgun, chambering another round, and pulled the trigger again.”

Khill, who has pleaded not guilty, told responding officers he fired because he thought Styres had a gun and had raised his arms as if to shoot.

The dynamics of the case have prompted comparison­s to the highly charged killing of an Indigenous youth in Saskatchew­an. In that case, an all-white jury acquitted white farmer Gerald Stanley of murdering Colten Boushie in August 2016.

The court heard that Boushie and his friends were on Stanley’s property to ask for help for a flat tire. Stanley testified he thought his ATV was being stolen, fired warning shots and then accidental­ly shot the victim in the head.

Indigenous people protested the decision in the Boushie case, arguing the justice system is racist, and First Nations said they are watching the Khill case closely. Supporters of both Khill and Styres have filled the courtroom most days.

Speaking to autopsy photos shown to jurors, Edgecombe described in detail the effects of the two blasts, one of which hit Styres in the upper middle of his chest. The other hit him on the outside of the upper right arm, exited through his armpit and re-entered his chest.

Edgecombe said the shotgun — equipped with a “turkey choke” that focused the exiting pellets — was likely somewhere between 1.2 and 2.1 metres from Styres when Khill pulled the trigger.

Both blasts caused extensive damage to the bones, muscles and vital organs, and either shot would have killed him, although the victim did not die instantly, the pathologis­t testified.

In cross-examinatio­n, defence lawyer Jeffrey Manishen demonstrat­ed various positions that Styres might have been in when hit, leading Edgecombe to concede it was not possible to be definitive about his position.

A second forensic pathologis­t who reviewed autopsy and other crime-scene data said she agreed with Edgecombe’s findings.

Testifying as the prosecutio­n’s final witness, Dr. Jane Turner said she believed Styres was shot in the chest first, but she, too, was unable to say exactly what position he was in when shot or whether he had been standing, stooped over or kneeling when hit the second time.

The case before Superior Court Justice Stephen Glithero continues Tuesday.

 ?? COLIN PERKEL THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Peter Khill is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Jon Styres.
COLIN PERKEL THE CANADIAN PRESS Peter Khill is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Jon Styres.

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