The Peterborough Examiner

Juicing can help increase your fruit and vegetable intake


Dear Mayo Clinic: Is juicing as healthy as some proclaim, or are some nutrients lost in the process?

A: Juicing — extracting the juice from fresh fruits and vegetables — can be a good way to add nutrients to your diet. If you struggle to eat the recommende­d five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day, juicing can help you get there.

The good news is that the juice contains most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutri­ents) found in whole fruit. Juicing also may help you incorporat­e a broader variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as kale, spinach or tropical fruits.

However, juice shouldn’t be the only way to get these nutrients. Whole fruits and vegetables also contain healthy fibre, much of which is lost during juicing — especially if the skin and pulp are removed. Dietary fibre not only aids in digestion, but also may improve blood cholestero­l levels and lower the risk of heart disease. Fibre also helps you feel full, which can help with weight control.

Some promote juicing as a quick way to lose weight. However, a diet containing only fruits and vegetables isn’t balanced. Be sure you’re also meeting your needs for fibre, protein, calcium, iron and healthy fats. You can do this by incorporat­ing juicing into a healthy-eating plan that includes various whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and whole fruits and vegetables.

While juicing in moderation is generally healthy, certain types of juice may not be appropriat­e for everyone. A juice made of mostly fruits can be high in carbohydra­tes and sugars, which can influence blood sugar levels. For people with kidney disease, fruits that are high in potassium, such as melons and bananas, can cause complicati­ons and may need to be avoided.

Juicing also can be a significan­t source of calories, depending on the contents and the portion size. Without the fibre to keep you feeling full, you may find that you’re hungry sooner. Add these up, and you have a recipe for potential weight gain.

Here are ways to ensure your juice is as healthy as possible:

Limit added sugars

Some juice recipes call for sugar, honey, syrup or other added sweeteners. Since the typical American diet already includes an overabunda­nce of added sugars, try to eliminate or minimize these additions. Added sugars contribute to calories and weight gain. They’re especially common in store-bought fruit drinks.

Consider blending

Rather than extracting juice, blending the edible parts of fruits produces a drink that contains more fibre and other healthy nutrients. If the result is too thick, add a little water.

Handle produce safely

Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use. Even if you plan to peel the produce, wash it first, so that dirt and bacteria aren’t transferre­d. Take extra caution with precut fruits and vegetables, and any kind of sprout, which are more likely to harbour dangerous bacteria such as E. coli.

Use the pulp elsewhere

Try adding the leftover pulp from your juicing to soups or baked goods to increase the fibre in your diet.

Opt for pasteurize­d juice

When buying juice from a store, choose a pasteurize­d juice when possible to prevent the likelihood of food-borne illness. Most juice sold in stores is pasteurize­d to kill harmful bacteria. Refrigerat­e products that aren’t pasteurize­d. These products are required to carry a warning label. Since juice sold in restaurant­s isn’t subject to the same labelling, don’t hesitate to ask if you’re unsure if the product has been pasteurize­d. If you’re not sure if juicing is a healthy option for you, talk to your health care provider or a dietitian.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Juicing can be a good way to add nutrients to your diet, but do include the pulp since it adds fibre.
DREAMSTIME Juicing can be a good way to add nutrients to your diet, but do include the pulp since it adds fibre.

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