The Peterborough Examiner

Cat shipped by mistake is now back home

Baloo fell asleep in a box, only to be sent 1,200 kilometres away


HALIFAX — Much to the relief of his loving family, Baloo the cat came back — just not the very next day — after being mistakenly shipped 1,200 kilometres away.

“There’s been lots of treats and lots of belly rubs,” said his owner, Jackie Lake.

Baloo’s 10-day-long ordeal began when he sneaked into a box of tire rims to catch a quick catnap in his Halifax-area home, not knowing that the box he had crawled into would soon be on its way to Alberta.

Lake taped up the box and shipped it off on Dec. 6. The next day, she noticed that Baloo was missing and spent the weekend franticall­y searching her Dartmouth neighbourh­ood for the beloved pet.

A Purolator employee found the cat in Montreal, and the local SPCA co-ordinated a return trip for the stowaway after they got in touch with Lake on Monday.

“I can’t stop thanking these people for helping me,” said Lake. “They took really good care of him. I’m just eternally grateful.”

Baloo left Montreal on Friday with Freedom Drivers, a group of volunteers that transports shelter animals, and got home Saturday evening at around 7 p.m.

He was welcomed by Lake, two of her kids, and the other family cat.

“He was a little freaked out when he first got home, he’s had quite the ordeal,” Lake said. “I just kept picking him up and saying, ‘I’m sorry.’

“But by the end of the night he was back to his old mischievou­s self. He ripped a whole bag of cat litter in the bathroom so he and his brother could play in it while I was sleeping.”

 ?? MONTREAL SPCA THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A cat named Baloo nuzzles with a vet technician in a handout photo from the Montreal SPCA. A Purolator employee found the cat in Montreal, and the local SPCA co-ordinated a return trip for the furry stowaway after they got in touch with his Halifax-based owner on Monday.
MONTREAL SPCA THE CANADIAN PRESS A cat named Baloo nuzzles with a vet technician in a handout photo from the Montreal SPCA. A Purolator employee found the cat in Montreal, and the local SPCA co-ordinated a return trip for the furry stowaway after they got in touch with his Halifax-based owner on Monday.

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