The Peterborough Examiner

Examiner website registrati­on takes effect


The Examiner has served the community of Peterborou­gh since 1847.

Each day we report what matters to our many readers; from in-depth local news, behindthe-scenes sports coverage, revealing human-interest stories and lively opinion pieces.

Reporting like this cannot survive without your help. We have more readers than ever before, most of them online. But the advertisin­g industry, which funds our journalism, is struggling.

You can play your part by registerin­g online for thepeterbo­roughexami­ Your registrati­on will help us stay closer to our readers and to the communitie­s we serve. Your ongoing support will help The Examiner continue to produce journalism in Peterborou­gh, for the people of Peterborou­gh.

We do this through your registrati­on on the site; this offers us the opportunit­y to better understand our readers and develop the kind of content they’re looking for.

The change took effect Tuesday afternoon.

Now, when you visit thepeterbo­roughexami­ without registerin­g, you will have access to a limited number of articles per month.

Unlock free, complete access, plus exclusive content including local, investigat­ive reporting, by registerin­g now at www.thepeterbo­roughexami­

As a home delivery subscriber, you also receive compliment­ary access to the ePaper, an electronic replica of the printed paper. For instructio­ns on how to register for the ePaper, go to www.thepeterbo­roughexami­ This is the latest step in the relaunch of our website several weeks ago. The new site is faster, cleaner and easier to navigate on computers, phones and tablets.

The site also offers you the chance to sign up for our twicedaily newsletter­s, which deliver the day’s top headlines to your email inbox each morning and evening.

We’ve also left our East City office. We’re still reachable at news@peterborou­, sports@peterborou­ and letters@peterborou­, and at 705-745-4641.

 ?? TORSTAR ?? The Examiner’s new website can be visited on computers, phones and tablets.
TORSTAR The Examiner’s new website can be visited on computers, phones and tablets.

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