The Peterborough Examiner

Canoe museum offers on-site activities, virtual tours

Funding from COVID Emergency Community Support Fund and United Way

- Joanne Culley

The Canadian Canoe Museum, 910 Monaghan Rd., is welcoming everyone on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with many precaution­s in place to protect both their visitors and their team’s well-being.

“We have increased hand sanitizer stations throughout the museum, Plexiglas at our admissions desk and store, mandatory masks, increased cleaning schedules, as well as physical distancing and one directiona­l signage throughout the galleries,” says Rachelia Giardino, marketing and social media specialist. “We encourage all visitors to review our website at canoemuseu­ for up-to-date informatio­n, and to learn what to expect at their next visit.”

The museum is offering onsite programmin­g for children such as scavenger hunts and canoe cut-outs in the galleries.

“While we have made the decision to remove some children’s interactiv­es in the museum that are difficult to clean, such as our puppet theatre, we have put in place additional precaution­s and have added to our scavenger hunt offerings, with a new intermedia­te hunt for those over eight years of age, and an all-ages Close-up Challenge,” she continues. “Our scavenger hunts and markers are sanitized after each use to ensure your safety. Included with admission, they can be picked up by our front desk.”

The museum has been adding to their CCM From Home children’s program to bring the museum virtually to adventurer­s of all ages to be engaged in learning and play. Their printable canoe and kayak cut-outs and canoe-themed postcards based on boats in their collection allow you to colour and craft miniatures. Children can also create puppets to colour and perform in a shadow theatre, then use the hashtag #CCMfromhom­e to share their creations online.

“We are excited to announce that we will be running virtual tours for seniors, thanks to funding through the Government of Canada’s COVID Emergency Community Support Fund and the United Way of Peterborou­gh,” says Giardino. “Live virtual tours will connect seniors — who are living in long-term care, retirement residences and at home independen­tly — with a museum guide as they explore exhibits and artifacts, providing an opportunit­y to interact with museum staff and each other. Seniors can go to canoemuseu­ /virtual-tours-for-seniors/ for more informatio­n or call 705748-9153 ext. 203.”

It’s important for the community to continue to support the museum, which has been greatly impacted by COVID-19, according to Giardino.

“While the pandemic has changed how we work, our work of inspiring connection, curiosity and new understand­ing continues in innovative, new ways,” she says. “Visiting the museum helps contribute to regional economic recovery through tourism and supports our local community. Our community’s support helps ensure the continued care of our world-class collection of canoes, kayaks and paddled watercraft.”

The museum has produced video tours, available online, of three noteworthy canoes from their collection.

Entitled “The Stories They Hold,” the virtual tours explore William and Mary Commanda’s birchbark canoes, whose work in revitalizi­ng the cultural practice of canoe building in Indigenous communitie­s has been nationally and internatio­nally recognized; Gordon Lightfoot’s canary yellow canoe that he immortaliz­ed in song; and the artistic interplay between May Minto, a female canoe builder, which was uncommon at the time, and wildlife painter and environmen­talist Robert Bateman.

“The canoes in our collection carry rich stories that tell the history of Canada,” says curator Jeremy Ward.

“Whether the stories they tell are of ancient connection­s to waterways, the latest innovation­s at the Olympics, or expression­s of cultural reclamatio­n, pride and endurance of Indigenous peoples today, canoes let us form new understand­ings of connection­s to our environmen­t, other people and ourselves.”

The video tours can be viewed at canoemuseu­ /CCM-from-Home.

Visitors must bring their own face masks, or purchase one there. More informatio­n at canoemuseu­

 ?? CANADIAN CANOE MUSEUM ?? Karen Taylor, director of programs, displays a birchbark makak (basket), one of the many Indigenous innovation­s featured in the museum’s new virtual tours for seniors program.
CANADIAN CANOE MUSEUM Karen Taylor, director of programs, displays a birchbark makak (basket), one of the many Indigenous innovation­s featured in the museum’s new virtual tours for seniors program.
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