The Peterborough Examiner

A friend with benefits is all you will be to him

- Ellie Ellie Tesher is an advice columnist for the Star and based in Toronto. Send your relationsh­ip questions via email:

Q: I’m a 52-year-old single mom who met a man online. We talked for several months, met twice. On the third date we had sex.

That’s usually when I get ghosted. Instead, he messaged that he didn’t think a relationsh­ip would happen, but we could stay friends. Not what I hoped for, but I agreed.

For several months we commented on the other’s posts, or texted.

I went over and we ended up in bed again. Then another time at his request.

I thought things were progressin­g. But, whenever I asked for a visit or invited him to my place, he declined.

This is my first friends-with-benefits (FWB) relationsh­ip. I want more, but am unsure I’ll get it. But I don’t want to lose the little I have.

How do I get him to commit to a relationsh­ip or walk away unhurt? Wanting More

A: You’re asking for “more” of what so far is a friendship that allows for occasional sex when he’s comfortabl­e with the time and place. It’s not quite control, though close, but more about his not being ready for more. He’s not widening your contact together.

Some people — men and women alike — can handle an FWB relationsh­ip because 1) it’s all they want; or 2) it avoids deep intimacy, which they don’t want, and

3) it avoids any public show of being a “couple.”

That’s what he’s been signalling from the start.

Wanting “more” is a natural desire for you, as an upfront, giving person.

Look for someone else who’s less elusive than this man is (for reasons he’s not explaining).

This time, if you use a dating app or some other online way of meeting, show confidence in yourself. If you know after a short conversati­on that someone’s not very interestin­g, just find a reason to end the conversati­on. Don’t hang on.

The same goes for any “dates” obviously headed for FWB scenarios. They’re not what you want. Move on.

Q: With our kids home all day during school closures, our teenagers are struggling most with having lost independen­ce.

We have a say in whether they can go out and where, and what they can do — which mostly only allows for walking outside masked and distanced, or sitting apart outside till they’re too cold.

Sometimes there are big arguments and tensions.

Recently, I reached into my daughter’s backpack to get a book she borrowed and found a pack of cigarettes and an e-cigarette.

When confronted, she confessed it was her friend’s cigarettes, not hers. How do I know if she’s telling me the truth, or lying?

Is My Teenager Honest?

A: She was cornered, either protecting her friend or herself. Even if you’d discovered that she lied, first get her on board with life’s realities.

Smoking is a serious health risk. Teenagers don’t believe it’ll affect them so they don’t care. It makes them feel cool. Parents have knowledge and responsibi­lities their children don’t have.

Explain your different roles: Yours is to nurture her, protect her from harm, educate her on health and social dangers, the risks of recklessne­ss, cheating and dishonesty.

Her role is to learn from all the good, caring, positive people and benefits in her life. And understand that the extra resources you provide — e.g., personal phone and devices — all rely on honesty between her and her parents.

Then tell her that if she has anything to discuss further about the cigarettes in her backpack, to come to you privately, very soon.

Ellie’s tip of the day

Friends-with-benefits arrangemen­ts work best for those who do not want “more” from a relationsh­ip.

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