The Prince George Citizen

‘ True Christiani­ty’ rejects homosexual­ity


Regarding the editorial of July 22 on Ness Lake Bible Camp’s code of conduct, Neil Godbout stated: “regardless of how the bible camp’s code of conduct is interprete­d, it does not subscribe to Christian standards, both in its treatment of those who have not accepted Christ as their Saviour but also for those who have, like Julianna Ferguson.”

I wonder what makes Mr. Godbout an authority. Have you repented of your sins and become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and a student of the word of God? You don’t appear to posses significan­t knowledge of the Bible or logic. As far as the Lord’s view of wrongdoing goes, Jesus Christ did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, (John 8) but he also told her to “go and sin no more.”

As One Hope Canada Ministries said, the camp is essentiall­y an extension of the churches that support it. Non-Christians are welcome in true Christian churches, they are just not welcome to get in the pulpit or other places where they could teach.

Any true Christian entity, or outreach such as a local assembly or camp, based on biblical prin- ciples, has to have leaders who lead and are examples for others to follow. They cannot lead and teach contrary to the word of God. As mentioned, the camp is an extension of the church.

No one expects local churches, except apostate ones, to accept a homosexual to advocate there so they also would not expect someone like Ms. Hewlett to speak at a Bible camp.

Homosexual supporters say they believe in diversity but they certainly don’t believe in diversity of opinion. Everyone must believe as they do or they are intolerant. We are asked to be tolerant but this is dishonest because what is really being asked for is acceptance, which is very different. Many people disagree with homosexual­ity being a safe, normal, natural lifestyle choice but they are tolerant. I do not know of any Christians who advocate harming homosexual­s.

There is not really a story here unless it is another effort by the mainstream media to take a swipe at true Christiani­ty because of its unwillingn­ess to accept the sin of homosexual­ity or perhaps increase newspaper sales through controvers­y.

Paul Serup, Prince George

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