The Prince George Citizen

More than a baby, a personal saviour


Happy New Year!

We have just finished the holiday season with some decoration, lights, celebratio­n, gifts, food, and drink. Now we settle in to taking down the tree, putting away the decoration­s, paying the bills, losing weight and keeping new year’s resolution­s.

Some of us are looking forward to the next holiday. But what were the last two weeks all about anyway? Was it just an excuse to party? Or did we really remember the reason for the season? Some of us remember baby Jesus being born in a manger, three wise men visiting him and a big star. So what?

If it was just an ordinary baby, he grew up, died and was buried. But he was something more. His life was predicted years ago in the Old Testament. He was to become a great king, the saviour of Israel and of you and me. Save me from what? I don’t need saving.

I guess if everything is rosy in your life, you don’t. If you have a nice job, good relationsh­ips, great friends and family, food on the table, a roof over your head and no aches and pains, you’re living on easy street. As one old song said, “Let’s bring out the booze and have a ball!”

But eventually we all get old. We get problems on the job. We may even lose our job and have a hard time finding another one. Our relationsh­ips will have challenges. Family problems will occur. Our teeth might give us problems. Our roof might leak. Our body ain’t what it used to be. Our quality of life deteriorat­es. We may look for help. Or we may even give up. One of our great resources is spiritual. There is an intelligen­t, compassion­ate loving being in the universe that wants to help you. His name is Jesus. He didn’t just appear. He was here centuries ago as a baby that grew up in an imperfect world full of disease, oppression, hypocrites and evil. He came to change all that and save you from some very bad situations.

When the happy new year seems less than happy in the next few days, you know you have a friend in Him. He is a prayer away. He saves us from physical and spiritual death. He promises us a glorious eternal life with Him. But don’t all religions promise that? Jesus promises us a life of grace. That means unmerited pardon and love for even the rottenest sinner. When our life is full of trauma, drama, bad habits and addictions, we can call on Him for release. And fellow Christians full of grace and love can help you be a better person, too.

So happy new year from the king of kings and lord of lords, Jesus who wants the best for you this season and every season of your life. For he was more than a baby, a healer, a great teacher. He can be your personal saviour, friend, and brother as He knocks on the door of your heart and invites you on a spiritual journey with Him this year and every year after.

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