The Prince George Citizen

Found apology troubling


I find the recent apology of Justin Trudeau re: the Chilcotin War troubling for several reasons.

The Citizen reported on March 27, as other journals have, that a “white” work crew “had entered Tsilhqot’in territory without permission in 1864. Members of this crew did so and therefore it was OK for them to be killed. I presume these men had been hired to build a road, not to invade someone’s “sovereign” nation. They showed up for work and died for doing so and this is apparently perfectly fine according to the Prime Minister. If someone enters a nation without permission, they can be killed basically on sight according to this logic. Therefore, the U.S., for instance, can build a wall on their border and also kill, without process, any illegal aliens that crosses it and Canada could also do the same, it would follow. These chiefs had due process, which the work crew did not. There also was no guarantee of their capital punishment. In 1864, the native Indian men were judged by the famous jurist Matthew Begbie. Eight of them were put on trial but not all were convicted and executed, five were, three were not.

The fact that this work crew was “white” seems to weigh heavily against them. It seems in Canada that we are implored to welcome new immigrants as “we all are immigrants” and we need to be hospitable to all, except it seems, people with white skin, as they should possibly be viewed as marauding invaders instead. I have read the argument that the attack on the road crew, some killed in their sleep, and later deadly attacks on a pack train and a single settler, was part of warfare in defence of Indian land. This seems very uncivilize­d and again out of step with what we are told about welcoming immigrants.

In addition, the nation of Canada, I suggest, has nothing to do with this conflict. At this time this region was not part of Canada as Confederat­ion had not happened, making Canada a nation, until 1867 and even then, B.C. didn’t join Canada until 1871. Earlier, British Columbia was a British colony and if anyone should apologize, it should be the government of the U.K., not Canada, as this area was under its authority.

In light of the forgoing, as wrong-headed and incompeten­t as our Prime Minister is, he can be thankful that he has opposition leaders who lack the courage and ability to make him pay more for his endless gaffes and foolishnes­s. Paul Serup, Prince George smarts by far than the people running the country of the USA. The biggest worry they have right now is the filthy rich adults with all their greedy ways.

Automatic weapons should never be placed in the hands of any civilian. What for?

For hunting and so forth guns are used, AR15s and the like are weapons for killing people, made for war.

The driving force behind this is not the second amendment right from the 16th century as some would have you believe,but it truly is about the almighty dollar, even at the cost of lives and discomfort for children and teachers in school.

Arm teachers – are you kidding me? Next thing you know they will tell the kids to pack guns for protection. My lord, are we going back to the 16th century or the wild west era?

For the lives and safety of everyone, the AR 15 and other automatic weapons should be outlawed completely.

Let the kids and teachers worry about school work and learning. The good thing in this is that the kids will at some point win if they stay with it.

After all these old fools won’t be around forever.

As for T-Rump I believe his days are numbered. Good luck to the kids of the future in America and congratula­tions on an excellent and powerful rally.

Their parents should be very, very proud of them.

B. Rosin, Prince George

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