The Prince George Citizen

Companies cashing in on royal wedding

- Jennifer HASSAN Citizen news service

LONDON — As anticipati­on for this weekend’s royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reaches astonishin­g new heights, Brits may want to take a step back and ponder whether, perhaps, it has all gone too far.

Or, as one royal condom company suggests, lie back and think of England.

The list of merchandis­e on offer is mindboggli­ng: life-size cardboard cutouts, paper dolls, socks, mugs, earrings, cupcake toppers and, er, Harry and Meghan swimsuits.

British jewelers are using the slogan “Sparkle Like Markle” to sell diamonds, while supermarke­t chain Sainsbury’s is selling replicas of Meghan’s engagement ring for £5 ($7).

Love it or hate it, customers can now pick up personaliz­ed jars of Marmite, which were recently spotted on sale in Windsor.

Hungry? Shops are selling “majestic sausages” made from sweet ginger and American mustard.

Fancy an alcoholic beverage? “Harry & Meghan’s Windsor Knot” is being carefully created at a brewery just outside the castle walls. It’s fair to say that there is something for everyone: there are even paw-sonalized royal wedding neckerchie­fs for dogs.

And then there are the commemorat­ive condoms.

Yes, to mark the historic event, Crown Jewels Condoms have come up with a unique product that has taken the world (and the bedroom) by storm.

Described as “fit for a Prince,” the condoms are delivered in what one can describe only as truly patriotic packaging. Once the lid (which features a portrait of Harry and Meghan) is lifted, the souvenir case plays the tune of God Save the Queen and The Star SpangledBa­nner. Because nothing says transatlan­tic wedding quite like two national anthems and regal prophylact­ics.

“We wanted to mark the occasion in an unusual way,” said Hugh Pomfret, founder of Crown Jewels Heritage Condoms.

Pomfret describes his creation as “novelty meeting luxury.”

The commemorat­ive condoms, which encourage customers to “lie back and think of England,” have been a huge hit, not just in Britain but also overseas. From Australia to Ohio, Pomfret’s small company has been inundated with orders.

“People like them because they’re different. They’re distinctiv­e and romantic,” he said.

“In 10 years’ time, when people look back, they’ll pass over the souvenir mugs and the tea towels. It’s the condoms that they’ll remember. They’ll provide pleasure for years to come,” he said.

All over Britain, pubs and bars are hanging up Union Jacks and bunting. They have also extended their hours to allow for more drinking time. Punters can cheer the happy couple until 1 a.m.

As well as selling “Princess” rucksacks and party hats, retailers are also offering “Marry Me Harry” T-shirts for those with a soft spot for the ginger-haired prince.

To celebrate the wedding, popular theme park Legoland Windsor recently unveiled its own tribute. Modelmaker­s spent a grueling 592 hours creating a replica of Windsor Castle using 39,960 Lego bricks. Members of the royal family were also fashioned out of Lego bricks, along with singer Elton John, who is to perform at the wedding, and the Spice Girls, rumored to be guests at the nuptials.

 ?? CROWN JEWELS HERITAGE CONDOMS HANDOUT IMAGE ?? Crown Jewels Condoms have come up with a unique memorial product for the impending royal wedding. The Crown Jewels Heritage Condoms case plays God Save the Queen and The Star-Spangled Banner.
CROWN JEWELS HERITAGE CONDOMS HANDOUT IMAGE Crown Jewels Condoms have come up with a unique memorial product for the impending royal wedding. The Crown Jewels Heritage Condoms case plays God Save the Queen and The Star-Spangled Banner.

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