The Prince George Citizen

Consultant­s facing shorter leashes


Anyone hoping that the “profession­al reliance” model in the resource-developmen­t sphere would be junked will probably be disappoint­ed with the direction the NDP government is taking.

The practice of letting companies hire their own consultant­s to oversee compliance with regulation­s will likely carry on. Oversight is going to be beefed up. Standards will be more stringent. But there’s no expressed thought at this point of government taking back that big, costly responsibi­lity.

If you were comforted by the thought the woods would soon be crawling with new government inspectors, you’ll be disappoint­ed with the recommenda­tions from a recent review of the issue.

On the other hand, some in the business and resource sectors are unhappy even with a review, and insist there is no problem.

B.C. has been relying on the model for 15 years, since it arose out of the fabled core review in 2001-2. The first-term B.C. Liberal government launched two simultaneo­us crusades, one to cut costs and staff, the other to reduce red tape.

So hundreds of technician­s and inspectors were laid off – 1,500 by the union’s count – and the regime was started in which government set big-picture natural-resource management objectives, companies hired profession­als to figure out how to meet them, then the government would check back periodical­ly to ensure compliance.

The previous NDP government had taken a stab at paring down oversight as well, culling hundreds of pages out of the forest practices code. But the Liberals took it to new heights.

The associatio­n of licensed profession­als within government told independen­t reviewer Mark Haddock it has 25 per cent fewer members (about 300) now than it did in 1999.

The new model stayed out of the news for years, but watchdogs started raising their eyebrows. The ombudspers­on, the Forest Practices Board and the auditor general flagged shortcomin­gs.

The phrase “profession­al reliance” started appearing in headlines after the Mount Polley tailings-pond dam collapse in 2014.

There were questions about whether it was a factor in how offguard everyone was caught.

Enter the NDP government, which went to town about the shortcomin­gs while in opposition. Addressing the failures of the system was written into the confidence agreement the NDP and Green Party signed.

Minister of Environmen­t George Heyman ordered up a study by Haddock and it was released a few weeks ago. Heyman embraced the recommenda­tions.

So what’s likely coming is a general tightening of control over the consultant­s who advise resource companies and others on how to meet government objectives.

The review recommends establishi­ng an office of profession­al regulation and oversight to cover the work of agrologist­s, biologists, foresters, engineers and the like. It would be an agent of government that is separate from the naturalres­ource ministries, focused on profession­al-governance issues. It would oversee legislatio­n related to the various profession­al discipline­s and “regulate their profession­al organizati­ons as needed.”

It also urges standardiz­ation of 10 elements of profession­al governance through umbrella legislatio­n. It would include a new power to regulate firms, require continuing profession­al developmen­t, clarify public interest duties, and address codes of ethics and whistleblo­wer protection.

The various associatio­ns have disciplina­ry processes, but Haddock found that many government employees and members of the public don’t have confidence the system is working.

Toughening up oversight would be a marked change in the current practice. Haddock found a “culture of deference” within government toward external profession­als. The ministries don’t have the staff, mandates or experience to question or balk at their judgments. There is considerab­le reluctance to file complaints.

And many think the associatio­ns have no track record of holding their members to account.

“A culture of deference may show up as reduced willingnes­s to take enforcemen­t actions, or an emphasis on compliance over enforcemen­t measures, or low administra­tive penalties that do not achieve deterrence goals,” wrote Haddock.

Government is relying on the consultant­s as much as the companies are. Some of them explain their decisions, provide background and answer all ministry questions.

But some are much less co-operative, and challenge the government’s right even to ask questions.

They’ll still be working when the changes are imposed, but they’ll be facing a lot more constraint­s.

 ??  ?? LES LEYNE

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