The Prince George Citizen

Voters need to be represente­d


Glenn Martin’s letter to the editor in Saturday’s Citizen makes the assumption that because there are right wing radicals appearing in some European countries then proportion­al representa­tion is at fault. Not true. Far right politician­s are appearing in every corner of the developed world no matter what form of government. We only need to look at the U.S. and Ontario for examples of first past the post constituen­cies sliding to the right.

These right wing resurgence­s have everything to do with the millions of people attempting to escape from corruption, war and famine in other parts of the world and nothing to do with proportion­al representa­tion. The right wing radicals are spouting simplistic solutions to what is an extremely complex problem and unfortunat­ely many are buying into it. European government­s are having to contend with millions of refugees from Africa coming to their countries and wanting to stay there.

These right wing extremists are going to rear their heads everywhere in the developed world and the best defense against them is an engaged, involved population. People need to be aware of what is happening politicall­y, both provincial­ly and federally. Proportion­al representa­tive countries, on average, have a 1015 per cent better voter turnout than first past the post countries. More people voting and getting involved in their constituen­cies is the best safeguard for a moderate democracy.

PR is not about giving one or another political ideology an advantage, it is about ensuring that the will of the majority of the electorate is represente­d in our government, something our present system does a poor job of. In the five elections from 1996 to 2013 there was only one where a majority of the electorate voted for the winner yet all of them saw the winner have a majority government. The other four were all false majorities where the government did not represent the majority of those who voted. Proportion­al representa­tion is all about ensuring the government­s that govern us represent a majority of the voters.

If a party gets 40 per cent of the popular vote, then they should get 40 per cent of the seats in the legislatur­e. That to me is democracy – not what we see happening repeatedly in B.C., and for that matter, Canada. Our current system gives the winning party a “bonus” at the expense of lesser parties. This bonus is what the “No” side is wanting to keep going.

Each of the three options for PR on the ballot will meet the criteria British Columbians say is important to them. That is a system that is simple, produces proportion­al results, does not significan­tly increase the numbers of MLAs, and does not reduce local and rural representa­tion.

PR would not reduce the number of MLAs in northern ridings nor would it in any way reduce the north’s influence in the legislatur­e.

Nor will the system be too complicate­d. There are nearly 100 countries worldwide presently using PR. If they are intelligen­t enough to vote, I am confident we will be too. Over 80 per cent of the 35 countries in the OECD (the most successful democracie­s in the world) have a PR form of government. They manage to elect government­s with a higher percentage of voters than we do, and have stable, prosperous, content, peaceful societies. We will too.

Is the system rigged to favour the left? The “No” folks would like to see a threshold of 60 per cent for PR to win. They want to retain a system that elects majority government­s with 40 per cent of the vote but feel 60 per cent should be required for this one. Go figure.

“No” supporters are throwing out several fear mongering suggestion­s of what will happen with a “yes” vote. They talk about MLA’s not being accountabl­e to their constituen­ts. Simply not true, they will be no less accountabl­e than they are now. They claim our government would be less stable and there would be more elections. Studies show that PR government­s, on average, last as long as FPTP government­s. The United Nations declared the top six of the world’s best run democracie­s are PR. They want to retain an unfair, dated method of voting simply because it gives the winner a bonus of more seats than the number of votes they have received justifies.

I would like to see us have a voting system that will consistent­ly give us government­s that represent the majority of voters. John Warner Prince George

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