The Province

Make career choices based on your own values, goals



I have a successful career that most people would find enviable, but what I really want to do is freelance. I’ve shared my idea with a few people and they have all said they think I’m crazy to go out on my own. Their opinion is making me question if this is the right move for me.


I don’t know if this is the right decision for you. What I do know is if you are not doing this because somebody said it wasn’t a good idea, that isn’t a good enough reason not to do it. There is a difference between listening to somebody’s opinion as part of making a well thought-out decision versus letting their opinion stop you.

The latter is what I will address today.

Wanting others’ approval about our decisions in life is human nature. Getting that “oh great idea!” does feel both supportive and good. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was supportive of our choices?

The reality is, that isn’t going to happen. Why? Because people live their lives and make their decisions based on their values and beliefs, and we are all different.

There are people in your life who just won’t understand your career choice and that’s OK, they aren’t you.

It’s just their opinion; don’t let it take you out.

What matters more is your opinion about your career. The No. 1 person who you want to support your decisions is you.

You are an adult capable of making great decisions. You clearly make them every day or you wouldn’t have a successful career already.

Find ways to build your confidence. As your confidence grows stronger your need for approval will diminish.

Whatever you decide to do, let it be based on what is right for you, not somebody else. Good luck!

Linda Hamilton is an award-winning master certified life and executive coach. Contact her at

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