The Province

Navarro ‘excited’ by return to Jays

SURPRISE TRADE: Catcher, who spent past two seasons in Toronto, rejoins team in time for Baltimore series

- Ken Fidlin

Aside from the flurry of man hugs, it was as if Dioner Navarro had never been away.

The popular catcher arrived back in the Blue Jays clubhouse Monday, renewing friendship­s forged over the last couple of years, prior to his leaving as a free agent last November. He was traded back to Toronto by the Chicago White Sox on the weekend.

“It feels great. I was in a bit of shock when it happened. But two minutes later I was happy because I knew I was coming to an organizati­on where I feel really comfortabl­e and to a clubhouse where I had good relationsh­ips,” said Navarro. “I was in the whirlpool getting ready for batting practice and Rick (Hahn, the GM) came in and let me know. It was quick. I packed my locker, went home and packed up my clothes and flew in here today.”

Moments after the trade, Navarro was talking with his good friend and former battery-mate Mark Buehrle, who retired after last season.

“I FaceTimed him as soon as I found out and he was really funny, cracking jokes and making me feel really bad about it,” said Navarro. “I’m happy and excited to be here.”

Changing teams late in a season can be awkward, especially for a catcher who must have relationsh­ips with the pitchers he catches. In most cases, it involves a steep learning curve. For the most part, that will not be a factor in this case.

“That was the one conversati­on I had with my wife,” said Navarro. “I’ve been traded before in mid-season and it was a struggle to get used to all the new pitchers. But coming back to these guys and this rotation where I have caught before is a much easier transition.

“We’ve got a few new guys who I have to get to know but they’re all veterans so it should make it a lot easier.”

With the White Sox this year, Navarro hit only .210 with six homers and 32 RBI. Over his two year stint in Toronto, he averaged .267 with a .704 OPS, hitting 17 HR and 89 RBI over 193 games. In 2015, he had one of the best defensive seasons of his career, throwing out 39 per cent of would-be base stealers.

“I haven’t been hitting the ball with any luck but I never pay attention to that as long as we win and that’s my mentality.

“Just being around guys I’ve been with before — Eddie, Tulo, Donaldson, Bautista — all those guys great offensive players. Just being around them is going to help me out. I’m part of this team.

“Whatever they need me to do, I’ll be ready for it. I’m easy to work with. I’ll just answer when my number is called.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Dioner Navarro, seen watching a game-tying home run last September, rejoined the Toronto Blue Jays in Baltimore on Monday after being traded by Chicago.
GETTY IMAGES FILES Dioner Navarro, seen watching a game-tying home run last September, rejoined the Toronto Blue Jays in Baltimore on Monday after being traded by Chicago.
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