The Province

How to turn intent into commitment

Some strategies to help you pull on your exercise gear


Too often, readers of this column bashfully admit they’re better at reading about fitness than actually doing the work to get fit.

They also admit that while they understand and value the benefits of regular exercise, they haven’t been able to translate that knowledge into action.

That disconnect between wanting to exercise and engaging in exercise is called the intention-behaviour gap. And while there’s a school of thought that says behaviour change starts with a demonstrat­ion of interest, experts suggest good intentions are predictive of only about 30 to 40 per cent of the type of change needed to make exercise regular.

In other words, the chasm between intent and behaviour is such that it demands more than just a desire to exercise to actually make it happen.

Still, having the right intention means you’re one step closer to realizing positive change.

With that in mind, here are a few strategies designed to close the gap between intention and action, to help you pull on your exercise gear and get it done:

Find the right motivation

Most fitness fanatics work up a sweat — they run marathons, work out before dawn, choose their bike over their car — because they find exercise enjoyable.

For others, however, exercise is an acquired taste, which means it takes more than the much-ballyhooed benefits of getting in a good sweat to lure exercise-avoiders off the couch and into the gym.

Exercise has to fill a particular need, and that need should resonate with the exerciser. So don’t exercise because your friend says you should, or because of something you read in a column. Exercise because it means something to you.

Make a list of all the reasons you think exercise will make your life better — better sleep, more energy, better health — and let that motivate you toward action.

Find the right trigger

Action can also be spurred as the result of a sudden but significan­t trigger. In the case of exercise, something like a health scare or a switch in jobs or lifestyle can be a game-changer. Finding out your blood pressure is spiralling upward, getting a dog that needs walking, or changing jobs to one that’s within easy biking distance from home can suddenly make exercise more palatable.

The best triggers are those that inspire, not require, exercise. This takes us back to the importance of the right kind of motivation. Triggers work only if they are significan­t to you — not to your doctor, husband or co-worker.

Find the right plan

Most people dive into exercise without a clear plan, which can make those initial forays into the fitness realm unfocused and ineffectiv­e.

The first step to creating your exercise road map is to list potential barriers to success along with solutions for overcoming any past or future hurdles to making exercise become regular. If a lack of time is one of those barriers, consider shorter, more frequent workouts or getting your workout in before the rest of the household rolls out of bed.

The plan should also include a list of activities you want to do and where, when and how often you’ll do them.

If travel is involved, you should also outline how you’ll get there. Don’t forget to list any specific equipment you need, and make a budget that includes the overall cost of gear, registrati­on/membership fees, etc.

Having the right gear and reducing some of the fuss around getting organized and ready to work out can make all the difference.

Find the right workout

On paper, the idea of trying out a few workouts until you find one that fits seems like a good plan. In reality, however, the process can expose you to unnecessar­y failure and frustratio­n as you wade through myriad available exercise choices looking for the perfect fit.

A better idea is to review your exercise plan and go searching for a workout that matches your goals, reduces the number of barriers to success and is within your budget and desired schedule.

Once you find a workout that ticks all the boxes, you’re well on your way to gaining the kind of confidence and enjoyment in exercise that’s crucial to long-term success.

 ?? — POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? The disconnect between wanting to exercise and engaging in exercise is called the intention-behaviour gap. The right personal motivation is needed to overcome the gap.
— POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES The disconnect between wanting to exercise and engaging in exercise is called the intention-behaviour gap. The right personal motivation is needed to overcome the gap.

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