The Province

BRIDGE with Bob Jones


Today’s deal is from a match between China and Poland at the recent World Championsh­ips held in Poland. The auction was the same at both tables up to this point. The Chinese North at one table chose to redouble. This lowlevel redouble is called an “SOS Redouble,” carrying the message that “this is not the right contract for us. Please try something else.” South ended up in three clubs, also doubled. A trump lead went to the queen and the diamond finesse was taken. The ace of diamonds and a diamond ruff establishe­d that suit, so declarer cashed the ace and king of trumps. When that failed to drop the jack, declarer started cashing his diamonds and conceded down one, losing one trump and four spades.

At the other table, the Polish North decided to stick it out and passed. South won the opening club lead in hand with the queen and led a diamond to the queen. South led a low spade from the table, and East rose with the king in order to lead the five of hearts. This was a good play, as it might prevent a trump end-play against West later.

Declarer’s jack lost to the queen and West continued with a second club. South won with dummy’s ace, cashed the ace of diamonds, and then ruffed a diamond. South exited with his last spade. East overtook West’s honor to give West a club ruff, but it was almost over. South ruffed the spade continuati­on and led the king of hearts. When that pinned the nine, South claimed eight tricks and his contract. Nice decision, North!

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