The Province

Get ready to tackle the January blues head-on


Wasn’t that a party! Now it’s payback time.

Jan. 16 is Blue Monday, deemed the most depressing day of the year. You over-bought, over-ate, and over-committed in December — now prepare to be overwhelme­d with a harsh dose of reality.

The holiday season fun is a distant memory, so too are your New Year’s resolution­s. The weather is gloomy and energy level even gloomier.

Well, don’t be dictated by the date. Beat back the blues and have a happy Monday with tips from Dr. Frank Farley, a psychologi­st at Temple University, Philadelph­ia:

The Go-For-Grins Solution

Cabin yourself all day if you can or as much as possible and watch TV comedies, comedy movies, read humorous books, share jokes with family or friends — whatever you can do cheaply and easily. One way to defeat a bad habit can be with a good habit. Laughter lifts the gloom.

The It-Could-Be-Worse Attitude

Think about really bad things in life you have escaped from, or luckily missed out on, that make your life shine by comparison.

Factor Z

Go to bed. Get a full day and night of sleep. Disengage from these dreary realities. Take a pass.

The Play-Day Plan

Play the day away. Right now make a list of the five things you most like doing, e.g., sex, reading a Postmedia newspaper, playing cards, time on Facebook, going to the zoo, etc., and then start doing them.

The Self-Help Scenario

Start today to resolve to never let this day have any negative impact on you again. Google the words positive psychology, read about it and turn a whole new leaf!

Keep Moving

All things pass in time. Keep that balanced perspectiv­e on Jan. 16 and every day. You’ll get through the day. Don’t catastroph­ize!

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