The Province

BRIDGE with Bob Jones


South did well to compete to three diamonds, despite East having bid the suit. East would have had no trouble taking eight tricks in his spade contract. It would be even better if South could find a way to take nine tricks in his diamond contract.

East started with three rounds of spades. South ruffed low on the third round, knowing that West didn’t have any trumps. Declarer led a club to the board’s ace and led a diamond to his seven when East didn’t split his honors. It would not have helped East to split. South exited with a club to West, who continued with another club. This was ruffed with dummy’s queen of diamonds.

Declarer led dummy’s last trump and played his king when East split his honors this time. South had timed the hand beautifull­y, and he continued by leading a heart to dummy’s ace, ruffing another spade, and exiting with his last heart. East won this with the king, but he had to lead a diamond from his jack-seven. South had the ace-nine of trumps left and took the last two tricks to bring home his contract.

This was well done by South, but East could have done better.

East should have shifted to the king of hearts at trick three, rather than help South reduce his trump length.

This would deprive dummy of a key entry before South was ready to use it, and the contract would have drifted one off.

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