The Province

House-fire hero ‘would do it again’

Courageous citizen among 12 to receive city police board’s highest award for civilian bravery

- gordmcinty­­re

Penny Szekely’s second thought as she raced down the street early one morning a year ago was she hoped no TV cameras would show up and find her in her PJs.

Her first thought was to save nine people in a burning building, which she did.

On Thursday, Szekely and 11 other civilians were honoured with Awards of Merit, the Vancouver police board’s highest award for civilian bravery.

“It was about 6 a.m.” Szekely said of that Feb. 23 morning on the 1800-block of East 28th Avenue. “I’d just stepped out of the basement studio apartment I’d been renting and noticed an orange glow in the backyard of the house two doors down.

“I thought maybe they were burning leaves, but that’s odd for six in the morning.”

Moments later the back of the building, a rooming house filled with mostly Filipino residents, was engulfed in flames.

“I was wearing leopard pyjamas and I raced over to the burning building,” Szekely said. “I kicked the door in and ran inside.”

She was joined by police Sgt. Clive Milligan, who was on his way to work when he, too, noticed the flames.

The two banged on doors and herded people out.

Her hair singed and her lungs raw from smoke, she joined Milligan and went around to the side of the building to see if anyone was in the basement.

Szekely broke a ground-level window, and Milligan smashed through some security bars and crawled inside, but found no one.

When he crawled back out, one of the house occupants kept pointing at the window saying “Boy! Boy! Boy!” Milligan said, so he entered the burning building a third time, crawling on his belly now because the smoke was so thick.

Still finding no one, he crawled out again, “just as a big rolling trucktire of smoke, that’s how I describe it, came billowing out right behind me,” he said.

Second later, the whole basement was consumed in flames. For his actions, Milligan was one of seven officers to receive the Award of Valour, the highest award for bravery for officers. (The other six dated from the June 2014 Yaletown-Science World shootout, the awards delayed while it was before the court.)

“It was really nice to have Penny there, absolutely,” Milligan said. “It was like a partner in policing, except we didn’t have any equipment, any radios or flashlight­s, anything like that.

“We (police officers) are trained to do things other people aren’t able to do, so for her to help me was amazing.

“People like her are why I’m proud to work in this city.”

Two of the other civilians honoured led police to the arrest of pedophiles.

Carlos Caballero saw officers chasing someone and tackled the man, who it turned out had just tried to kidnap a two-year-old girl from Stanley Park and who was a suspect in the attempted kidnapping of an eight-year-old girl two days earlier.

Caleb Hystad notice a young boy who appeared upset leaving a washroom stall at the library, followed by a man. Hystad detained the man until police arrived, who said the suspect is a serial sex offender who preys on children.

Kamran Modavesi, Bronson Norton, Jonathan Duguay and George Huddleson all confronted knife-wielding men to protect others at great risk to themselves, Michael Hyde chased down a man who had just robbed a convenienc­e store, while Ahmed Bouchiba prevented a suicide on the Lions Gate Bridge, and Peyton Liscomb and Eric Chennells prevented another on the Granville Bridge.

In that case, a 15-year-old Liscomb followed a woman he’d noticed crying on the bus and when she began climb the rail, he called for Chennells, who was passing by, to help.

And Dr. Clifford Chase was honoured for saving the life of the shooting victim in the Yaletown-Science World case by stemming any further loss of blood.

A dozen real-life civilian heroes in one room.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat,” Szekely said.

 ??  ?? Penny Szekely receives an Award of Merit from Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Chief Constable Adam Palmer for helping save people from a rooming house fire in 2016. JASON PAYNE/ PNG FILES
Penny Szekely receives an Award of Merit from Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Chief Constable Adam Palmer for helping save people from a rooming house fire in 2016. JASON PAYNE/ PNG FILES

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