The Province

Sealed with a good kiss

Six tips to up your technique for smooching in time for Valentine’s Day

- — Postmedia News

Think you have the proper technique for kissing? With Valentine’s Day on the horizon it couldn’t hurt to brush up on your kissing technique.

Lifestyle site suggests these steps to up your kissing game:

1 Take your time

Go slow, ease your way into every smooch until you feel yourself start to get into the groove.

2 Use just the right amount of pressure

You have to use some pressure but not too much. For practice, use the back of your hand; try pressing your lips loosely, then pressing them forcefully. From there, try to find a middle-of-the-road level of firmness that feels just right.

3 Use your tongue but do it wisely

At first, best to keep the tongue out of it until things start to heat up. Focus more on the different ways you can kiss with just your lips — keeping your mouth closed, opening it slightly, intertwini­ng your lips with your partners’, pouting your lips, etc.

When it comes time to add some tongue, start gently touching your tongue to your partner’s. Imagine that your tongues are softly caressing each other.

If you feel unsure about your technique, try practising on the back of your hand again. Give your hand a firm jab with your tongue, just to see how strong your tongue is.

Then play away with different ways of moving your tongue across your skin.

4 Get your whole body involved

Wrap your arms around your partner’s body, or stroke their arms, shoulders and back with your hands. Press your body up against theirs.

Hold their face in your hands, or run your hands through their hair. You can also take little breaks from their lips to kiss their necks or ears. Use your body to create some variety.

5 Be a tease

Some fun and easy techniques worth trying: Break away and look your partner in the eye, with a sly smile; Pull your lips away and gently stroke your partner’s lower lip with your thumb; Keep your slightly-open mouth close to theirs and breathe in and out together; Brush your lips against your partner’s, without actually kissing them.

6 Work with your partner on technique

Pay attention to what your partner is doing and what they seem to respond to best and try to adapt your routine to theirs.

If you’re unsure of what your partner likes, say to them, “kiss me how you like to be kissed,” then follow their lead.

Now, make sure you have fresh breath, pucker up and seal your Valentine with a kiss.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? To share that memorable kiss, suggests to get your whole body involved. Hold your partner’s face in your hands, or run your hands through your partner’s hair.
— GETTY IMAGES FILES To share that memorable kiss, suggests to get your whole body involved. Hold your partner’s face in your hands, or run your hands through your partner’s hair.

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