The Province

Olympic legacy one of regret

Quebec City and Calgary bidders can learn something from situation in Brazil

- Scott Stinson

During the opening ceremony at last summer’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the thousands of athletes who streamed into Maracana Stadium each carried a seed packet in their hand. They deposited the seeds into a large, slotted mirror, and it was explained that this would later form the basis for the Athletes’ Forest, a key element of a park that would be created in Deodoro, an area of the city that was home to a cluster of Olympic venues.

Such a nice idea, that. Deodoro is not a wealthy area and the opportunit­y to create a legacy green space was often cited as an important benefit of the Games. Having trees that would tie directly to the memories of the athletes themselves was just a bonus.

Ten months later, the elements of that opening scene are an awkward microcosm of Rio 2016. Deodoro remains a cluster of now-unused venues, not a park. The seeds are presumably sitting in a facility somewhere, if they haven’t been claimed by creditors. And Maracana Stadium was looted and vandalized when operators couldn’t pay to maintain it. The power was turned off and security contractor­s went home.

The Olympic legacy of Rio is fast becoming one of regret.

And while the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee long ago acknowledg­ed the bloat of Rio and Sochi and has advocated a more sustainabl­e developmen­t model for future games, the situation in Brazil provides an abject lesson for potential bidders in places like Quebec City and Calgary: the more you dress up Olympic spending into big, longterm legacy projects, the more risk you run that those things will never materializ­e.

In Rio, some of those legacies were written off before the Games had even begun. By far the biggest opportunit­y that the Olympics provided was a chance to clean the city’s notoriousl­y polluted waterways. But with budgets squeezed by inevitable overruns and a crashing economy, Rio bid officials skipped big-dollar items as they focused on just making sure they could pull off the Games themselves. And so, the expensive waste-treatment facilities that were supposed to finally ensure that clean water — and not raw sewage — flowed into Rio’s picturesqu­e bays and lagoons were instead replaced by cheap pipes and dams that diverted the poop water away from Olympic sites, and only as a temporary fix. Similarly, the original bid document promised a subway line connecting Rio’s chaotic downtown to the western suburb of Barra de Tijuca, home of the multi-venue Olympic Park. That became a subway that went halfway as far, depriving the city of a completed line that might have helped with its crushing traffic problems.

But as the Games unfolded, there remained hope that organizers would still follow through on other legacy projects. Deodoro was — and technicall­y still is — a big one, with plans to convert it to a park with public swimming facilities. At Olympic Park, one of the venues — not coincident­ally named Future Arena — was to be deconstruc­ted after the show had left town and turned into four schools. Instead, it is an empty handball arena.

“It will be dismantled,” an official told a public hearing this week, according to The Associated Press. “We are just waiting to know whether we will actually have resources to build these schools on other sites, or whether we dismantle it and wait for the resources to come.”

The local organizing committee reportedly owes creditors more than US$30 million and the state is bankrupt, so it’s hard to imagine those resources suddenly materializ­ing.

Oh, and the Olympic Golf Course stopped having any maintenanc­e work done because workers weren’t paid. There are reports that greenskeep­ing has resumed, but the course is still empty — a problem that probably could have been foreseen in a city where an estimated 0.025 per cent of the people are golfers. (In Canada, that number is around 19 per cent.)

Not following up on plans is one thing, but the context here is that many of these projects were cited as reasons for why Rio, a troubled city in a troubled country, should want to host such a costly spectacle as the Olympics. Schools, subways, parks, housing, clean water: all of these long-term gains would flow from the short-term spending that the Games would spark. Unless they didn’t. So far, they didn’t even spark the simpler things, like getting the odd Brazilian to take up golf.

This isn’t just an Olympics problem. Proposed public spending on sports facilities is often wrapped into a larger bonanza that includes other long-term amenities — looking at you again, Calgary — so that it doesn’t look just like billions invested in some games. But many an arena-and-something-else complex ends up as just an arena and some nifty artist’s renderings of the something else.

But Rio stands out as the starkest example yet of what can go wrong when big Olympic promises are not met, because it’s a city that could least afford the mistake.

A prosecutor at a public hearing in Rio said this week: “There was no planning when they put out the bid to host the Games. No planning.”

I’m not sure that’s true. The Rio bid had great plans. They only made the eventual disappoint­ment that much more obvious.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES ?? Nine months after the 2016 Rio Games, the Olympic Aquatics stadium has yet to be dismantled as planned, so its parts can be used to build two new facilities.
— GETTY IMAGES Nine months after the 2016 Rio Games, the Olympic Aquatics stadium has yet to be dismantled as planned, so its parts can be used to build two new facilities.
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