The Province

Sessions denies meeting secretly with Russians


WASHINGTON — U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions denied on Tuesday he had any undisclose­d meeting with the Russian ambassador or conversati­ons with Russian officials about the U.S. elections. He vowed to defend his honour “against scurrilous and false allegation­s.”

Testifying at a Senate hearing, Sessions said it was a “detestable and appalling lie” to suggest that he participat­ed in or was aware of any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

In his dramatic appearance before former colleagues, Sessions also contradict­ed a contention made by former FBI director James Comey at a hearing before the same panel last week. Comey said that, after an encounter with President Donald Trump in which he said Trump pressured him to back off an investigat­ion into the former national security adviser, Comey “implored” Sessions to make sure he was never left alone with the president again — but that Sessions didn’t respond.

“He didn’t recall this, but I responded to his comment by agreeing that the FBI and Department of Justice needed to be careful to follow department policy” regarding contacts with the White House, Sessions said.

The former Alabama senator defended himself against accusation­s he misreprese­nted himself during his confirmati­on hearing by saying he hadn’t met with Russian officials during the campaign. Sessions argued that in the context of the hearing, “my answer was a fair and correct response to the charge as I understood it.”

Sessions said he recused himself from the Justice Department’s Russia investigat­ion only because of a regulation requiring the step because of his involvemen­t in the Trump campaign. He never, he insisted, knew anything about the Russia probe or had any role in it.

While he had recused himself from the Russia probe, Sessions said, “I did not recuse myself from defending my honour against scurrilous and false allegation­s.”

Despite Sessions’ statement about the reasons for his recusal, the attorney general did not actually step aside from the Russia probe until March 2, the day after The Washington Post reported on his two previously undisclose­d meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Days after that, Sessions also corrected his confirmati­on hearing testimony to inform the committee about the two meetings with Kislyak.

Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon asked Sessions about suggestion­s arising from Comey’s testimony last week that there was something “problemati­c” about his recusal.

Wyden asked Sessions what problemati­c issues existed.

“Why don’t you tell me? There are none, Sen. Wyden, there are none,” Sessions insisted, his voice rising. “This is a secret innuendo being leaked out there about me, and I don’t appreciate it.”

Sessions lent his support to the special counsel, Robert Mueller, who is now in charge of the Justice Department’s Russia investigat­ion. “I have confidence in Mr. Mueller,” he said.

At a separate hearing Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, overseeing that effort since Sessions stepped aside, said he’s seen no basis for firing Mueller, the former FBI director he appointed as special counsel.

He said he would agree to dismiss Mueller only if there were a legitimate basis to do so, and an order from the president would not necessaril­y qualify.

As for his role in Comey’s firing, Sessions told senators that he and his second-in-command, Rosenstein, had a “clear view ... that we had problems there, and it was my best judgment that a fresh start at the FBI was the appropriat­e thing to do. And when asked, I said that to the president.”

Sessions refused to say whether he had ever discussed the Russia investigat­ion with Trump, arguing that he could not disclose private communicat­ions with the president.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee it was an “appalling lie,” to say he was aware of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
GETTY IMAGES U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee it was an “appalling lie,” to say he was aware of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

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