The Province

Child poverty picture remains bleak

Single-parent families at greatest risk of poverty, particular­ly in expensive Lower Mainland


If all the children in this province who live in poverty were gathered together, they would be B.C.’s fifth-largest city with a population of 153,300.

That city would be disproport­ionately populated with First Nations children, visible minorities, recent immigrants and especially children of single parents, according to a newly released report card by the First Call B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition.

Add the astronomic­al rents in Metro Vancouver and being poor here is far worse than being poor in other parts of Canada, said Adrienne Montani, First Call’s provincial coordinato­r.

“It costs so much to live here, you have far less money left over after shelter,” she said. “When families scrimp, they scrimp on food or they don’t heat their homes, because you can’t scrimp on rent.”

The rent crisis is a ticking time bomb for child homelessne­ss, she said. The most recent Metro homeless count found 117 children with parents, but that is likely a massive underestim­ate.

“When you have kids, your top priority is to stay off the street, so they aren’t apprehende­d (by the ministry),” she said. “So they are couch-surfing and that makes them invisible.”

The poverty rate for children in lone-parent families is nearly 50 per cent, compared with just 11 per cent for kids raised by couples.

“For many lone mothers, the difficulty of finding affordable child care — so they can sustain employment — is one of the most common obstacles that leaves them raising their children in poverty,” the report said.

First Nations grandmothe­r Gloria Bonner had to conceal her two grandsons’ special needs just to find child care space or risk having them at home for years while they were on waiting lists.

She is raising her daughter’s sons — one with mild autism and the other with fetal-alcohol syndrome — and battles to bring enough food into the house.

“Both the boys are growing fast, and when you are trying to manage the groceries — we do a lot of rationing,” she said in a vignette from the report. “They might want more, but we have to save it to have some for later, too.”

When she can’t afford fare, they dodge security on transit to get to the community centre, go swimming or to the doctor.

Progress is being made — the number of B.C. children living in poverty has declined for six consecutiv­e years — but it’s agonizingl­y slow.

“At this rate of child-poverty decrease (an average of 4,528 fewer poor children each year from 20002015), it would take until 2049, or 34 years, to eliminate child poverty in B.C.,” according to the report.

The report notes the income gap between rich and poor has widened in B.C. The median after-tax income of couples with children in B.C. is more than $91,000, compared with just $17,710 for poor, single-parent families.

Since taking power in June, Premier John Horgan overhauled cabinet to include poverty reduction as a mandate of the Ministry of Social Developmen­t and installed Shane Simpson as minister.

In July, the government announced a $100-a-month increase in income assistance and disability assistance, the first increase in 10 years.

 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP/PNG ?? First Call B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition’s Adrienne Montani says many single-parent families live in poverty.
ARLEN REDEKOP/PNG First Call B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition’s Adrienne Montani says many single-parent families live in poverty.

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