The Province

Coach Flaxey out for curling trials after hip surgery

- — Ted Wyman

OTTAWA — Caleb Flaxey came to Ottawa to coach two teams in the Canadian Olympic curling trials but ended up coaching no teams.

Flaxey, who was serving as coach for the team skipped by his wife Allison and the one skipped by Brad Jacobs, had to leave on Sunday and is now in the hospital in Toronto.

He had hip replacemen­t surgery on Nov. 8 and an infection developed over the weekend. On Monday, he tweeted that he had a second hip replacemen­t surgery at North York General Hospital.

“We think so,” Allison Flaxey said Tuesday when asked if her husband’s health is going to be OK. “We’re just waiting on some test results. He’s not coming back.”

Allison fell to 0-4 with a 9-3 loss to Chelsea Carey. She admitted the situation with Caleb has made things difficult for the team.

“You’re always thinking about him so there’s that extra little bit on your mind,” she said. “You’re hoping for the best but we have a job to do out there too so it’s more back of mind when you’re out there.”

The Jacobs team quickly moved to replace Flaxey with Eric Harnden. He is the father of team members E.J. and Ryan Harnden.

“We know it’s just killing him to not be here, not only for our team, but mainly for his wife’s team.,” Jacobs said.

“There’s nothing that can be done. We just have to roll with the punches here and hopefully he gets back as soon as possible.”

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