The Province

Postmedia donation of photos big boost to archives


Thank you, Postmedia, for donating two million negatives from The Vancouver Sun and The Province to the Vancouver Archives.

The conservato­rs, who toil endlessly in the grassy berm building at Kits Point, have a huge job ahead of them scanning all those negatives and uploading them so that the public can see the city’s history in stunning, high-resolution glimpses. We’re talking super high-quality images accessed via the web for free! What other archive, library or museum does that? None.

Vancouver’s archives is precious. Before you surf to the site to look for grandpa building the Lions Gate Bridge, join the Friends of the Vancouver City Archives Society. A $20 membership is a small price to pay for time-travel privileges.

Rob Howatson, Vancouver

Children shouldn’t be in pain

I am sick and tired that children living with illnesses are suffering because they are being denied drugs that could take away their pain and give them a better quality of life. It is not their fault that the pharmaceut­ical industry has the audacity to charge such high prices.

No child should go hungry, live on the street or live in pain. If we can give millions of dollars to countries that do not use the funds for which they were given, then we must help the unfortunat­e here in Canada.

Barbara Moxin, Campbell River

Drug prices too high

Along with the sad case of the child with juvenile arthritis, there have been a couple of cases where people have contacted the media in an effort to get the provincial government to pick up the tab.

However, we should also be asking the drug manufactur­ers to justify their huge drug prices. Could they not lower the price and get paid for the drug over a longer period of time?

Gordon von Hollen, Chilliwack

Mayor’s legacy ‘meaningles­s’

Let’s hope those praising Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson’s meandering crusade to the green new world are as off base, as usual, in promoting unwanted Vision-directed change that will make life in the city much worse rather than better for taxpayers.

Robertson’s realm is devoid of the essential freedoms all Canadians are entitled to pursue at their own instigatio­n rather than simply kowtowing to their neighbours’ ideas of the new world order. The dictator is leaving and his achievemen­ts were so meaningles­s and so few his memory as time passes will hopefully become an indecipher­able blip on the radar screen. Rick Angus, Vancouver

Kick out developers

I agree there are far too many people in Vancouver for the space Mother Nature has allocated to us. The one and only population group that needs to be done away with is developers. Corporate developers or standalone developers are the bane of our existence. We make it far too easy for them to come in and overdensif­y our city, then leave with the profits. Jeff Laurie, Langley

Gordzilla for mayor

Gordon Clark made excellent comments in his column Friday on Mayor Gregor Robertson, Vision Vancouver and density. If he ran for mayor, I would work on his campaign. Terry McLean, Vancouver

 ?? MARK VAN MANEN/PNG FILES ?? Carolyn Soltau examines some of the millions of negatives from the Province and Vancouver Sun donated to the city’s archives.
MARK VAN MANEN/PNG FILES Carolyn Soltau examines some of the millions of negatives from the Province and Vancouver Sun donated to the city’s archives.

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