The Province

Geoscienti­fic studies needed now more than ever

- Gavin Dirom and Mike Cathro Gavin Dirom is president and CEO and Mike Cathro is chairman of Geoscience B.C.

Last year set a unique and exciting stage for 2018 and beyond. Globally, a trend of misinforma­tion and misuse of informatio­n has brought a new thirst for credible and trusted science. Our common future needs dynamic thinking, fresh approaches and pragmatic, evidence-based scientific informatio­n and decisions. The world is rapidly changing and a modern industrial revolution dependent on natural resources is bringing new technologi­es, such as hybrid and electric vehicles, into the mainstream faster than ever before.

Here in British Columbia, we have benefited and become a leading business, academic and technology hub for thousands of interlinke­d natural resource, high-tech digital and innovative service and supply companies. We also have raw materials — namely abundant mineral, energy and water resources — for which world demand is forecast to grow as we continue to evolve toward a more integrated economy and a greener industrial future.

To thrive in the long-term, there will be an ongoing need for new, unbiased earth science informatio­n that attracts investment, informs decisions and supports the responsibl­e developmen­t of our natural resources. Geoscience is the study of the Earth, including its natural energy, water and mineral resources. At Geoscience B.C., we have been applying new innovative approaches and pushing boundaries of geoscience research relating to minerals, oil and gas and geothermal for more than 12 years. Every day we strive to generate and share geoscience data that informs how people view, appreciate and benefit from the natural environmen­t and its resources.

For example, to support exploratio­n and discovery of metals such as the copper needed for green technologi­es like hybrid and electric vehicles, Geoscience B.C. undertakes large-scale airborne surveys of the province. This past May, Geoscience B.C.’s Search Phase III project was launched to continue a multiyear effort to collect geophysica­l data over central B.C. New magnetic and radiometri­c data — used to better understand the characteri­stics of rocks below the surface — were collected over a 9,600-square-kilometre area north of Prince George during the summer and fall. When the data is released in late January, explorers, local government­s and Indigenous groups will be able to use this new informatio­n to inform plans, advance projects and attract investment.

As well, Geoscience B.C. is working to collect and share important data about the potential for geothermal energy in B.C. because it could play a significan­t role in the longterm energy strategy for the province. To date, our work has included mapping B.C.’s geothermal “hot spots” and producing a guide for communitie­s who are considerin­g using geothermal for power or heat.

Oil and gas research is also underway to locate, accurately measure and monitor greenhouse gas emissions so that they can be better understood and more effectivel­y managed. We recently launched the GHGMap project that uses a mini-optical instrument called a laser spectromet­er, which weighs just 400 grams and is capable of measuring GHGs at extremely sensitive parts-per-billion levels. Developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the instrument is mounted onto a small drone to quickly detect and analyze emissions of GHGs such as methane into the atmosphere.

Further, Geoscience B.C. is outlining and describing the quality and quantity of water resources. Our Peace Project is the first large-scale effort to map northeaste­rn B.C.’s groundwate­r and provide reliable technical data to understand the Peace’s shallow aquifers. This work covers an area one-quarter the size of Vancouver Island (9,600 square kilometres) that continues to see significan­t oil and gas sector and agricultur­e activities.

The applied research that Geoscience B.C. has generated from more than 160 projects since 2005 is valued because it improves technical understand­ing, encourages innovation and sparks investment in B.C.

What we do is pretty cool and it also matters. We share the very best earth science data because we trust that having more people (not just a few) considerin­g the high-quality data and how to use it results in better outcomes, informed decisions and more lasting opportunit­ies in B.C. for our rapidly changing world. Geoscience has never been more important.

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