The Province

Plan ahead to avoid long-term use of sleeping pills

- Phil Emberley and Dr. Wendy Levinson

Sleep doesn’t come easy as we age. Take Ilsa, a 78-year-old widow. Since her husband died, Ilsa has slept poorly. A recent hospitaliz­ation and the disorienti­ng lights and noises of the in-patient ward made her irritated and exhausted. She was given a shortterm benzodiaze­pine to help her sleep.

A few weeks after being discharged, her family doctor suggested she stop taking the benzodiaze­pine, which she did cold turkey. Ilsa experience­d significan­t rebound insomnia and felt horrible. Within a few days, she was back on the medication. One year later, she is still hooked. Ilsa isn’t alone in her dependence on these powerful drugs for sleep or anxiety. The Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n recently released data showing more than one in 10 seniors regularly take these highly addictive medication­s. In Newfoundla­nd and New Brunswick, that number is nearly one in four.

At one time, benzodiaze­pines such as alprazolam, diazepam and lorazepam were assumed to be safer than alternativ­es and were prescribed quite freely, particular­ly among seniors. While these drugs are now frequently abused and misused across all ages, long-term use is especially harmful. The shortterm assistance of helping Ilsa get some sleep during a stressful period is outweighed by the risks of long-term use. Side-effects include impaired thinking, reduced mobility and increased risk of injury from falls or car accidents.

As health-care providers, we commonly prescribe and dispense these medication­s. But in addition to providing a prescripti­on, increasing­ly we are offering advice and talking to patients about the harms of longterm use and how they can avoid getting hooked on these medication­s.

We know seniors especially need support on how to taper medication­s.

It isn’t enough to tell a patient they should stop taking a pill, they need support and tools to safely wean themselves from these powerful medication­s. In fact, seniors often ask us about whether these medication­s can be addictive. This is an excellent time to discuss the potential pitfalls of long-term benzodiaze­pine use.

A groundbrea­king study from researcher­s at the University of Montreal tested whether community pharmacist­s could help seniors taper benzodiaze­pine use. The study tested this by providing education to pharmacist­s on how to do this safely. Alongside health-profession­al education were materials developed specifical­ly for patients on the harms of benzodiaze­pines and safer alternativ­es.

The study found that when provided with informatio­n and tools, a significan­t number of patients were able to safely taper and ultimately stop taking benzodiaze­pine. This is an important finding because both too fast and too slow tapers can ultimately fail, resulting in seniors continuing to take the medication.

Pharmacist­s have the knowledge and tools to help patients succeed.

As part of the national Choosing Wisely Canada campaign, the Canadian Pharmacist­s Associatio­n is informing 42,000 pharmacist­s to dispense not only prescripti­ons, but informatio­n on how to stop dangerous medication­s. Research shows that starting the conversati­on with patients about stopping or tapering dangerous medication­s like benzodiaze­pines can help curb long-term use and dependence.

Pharmacist­s can also reinforce other options to address sleep disturbanc­es and anxiety, as well as help coach patients as they try these other options.

Last month, the associatio­n, along with the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign, released Six Things Pharmacist­s and Patients Should Question. One of the recommenda­tions on the list, being distribute­d across Canada is, “Don’t prescribe or dispense benzodiaze­pines without building a discontinu­ation strategy into the patient’s treatment plan.”

This recommenda­tion is something we urge all clinicians who prescribe and dispense these medication­s to seniors to keep in mind. This is also something we urge patients, caregivers and family members to consider.

Is your loved one or family member taking a benzodiaze­pine long-term? Consider talking to your pharmacist or health-care provider at your next encounter about whether it could be doing more harm than good.

Phil Emberley is the director of practice advancemen­t and research for the Canadian Pharmacist­s Associatio­n. Dr. Wendy Levinson is the chair of Choosing Wisely Canada, an expert adviser with EvidenceNe­ and a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto.

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