The Province

95 killed in Kabul as Taliban steps up attacks


KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated an ambulance packed with explosives outside a hospital in central Kabul on Saturday morning, officials said, killing at least 95 people and wounding 158. It was the third major attack in Afghanista­n in the past week and one of the deadliest in the shell-shocked capital.

Taliban insurgents claimed responsibi­lity for the midday attack, which left bodies strewn across several blocks in a crowded section of the city that includes an Interior Ministry compound, a historic antique and carpet market, and the government-run Jamhuriyat Hospital.

The audacious bombing came just six days after Taliban fighters stormed a luxury hilltop hotel in Kabul and held it for more than 14 hours, killing 22 people. including four Americans and 10 other foreigners. The extremist group said the attack was aimed at killing “foreign occupiers” and their Afghan collaborat­ors.

On Wednesday, an assault on the office of a British charity, Save the Children, in the eastern city of Jalalabad, killed four people. That attack was claimed by the Islamic State.

For hours after the blast, plumes of smoke rose from buildings, glass was shattered for blocks around, cars sat in charred heaps and ambulance sirens wailed. One hospital received so many victims that news reports said some had to be treated in the facility’s yard despite the winter cold.

“I have not seen such a horrible scene in my entire life,” said Mohammad Fahim, 20, an employee of the Kabul police department who was inside the mosque of the Interior Ministry compound when the bomb exploded yards away. He said the mosque’s windows shattered, wounding him slightly, and he came out to help evacuate more seriously hurt people to hospitals.

Hours after the bombing, trucks carried loads of debris and broken glass from the site, and people crowded outside the gates of the Emergency Hospital, some seeking informatio­n about their loved ones, others offering to donate blood.

“For God’s sake, read the list,” one man pleaded with hospital employees who had brought out a list of people admitted with injuries. Mohammed Hussain Akbari, 22, waited two hours for news of his uncle, who had recently applied to join the police force. “He is not among the wounded. I hope he is not among the martyrs,” Akbari said.

A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said in an emailed statement that the attack was aimed at a police check post near the ministry, but officials said most of those killed and injured were civilians. The blast also occurred close to an office of the Afghan High Peace Council, which was establishe­d to promote peace talks with the Taliban.

In addition to launching a rapid series of urban attacks in recent days, the Taliban have also made aggressive new forays into remote rural regions, especially Faryab province in the north.

The multiprong­ed blitz comes as the U.S. military is expanding its presence in the country by several thousand troops and taking on new roles. These include training Afghan special operations forces and air force pilots and becoming more actively involved in combat support in an effort to turn the tide of a 16-year conflict that shows no signs of letting up.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES ?? Afghan volunteers carry an injured man from the scene of a car bomb that exploded Saturday near a hospital in central Kabul. The Taliban claimed responsibi­lity for the attack.
— GETTY IMAGES Afghan volunteers carry an injured man from the scene of a car bomb that exploded Saturday near a hospital in central Kabul. The Taliban claimed responsibi­lity for the attack.

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