The Province


Many have pegged the Jets to win it all, but Lord Stanley’s Mug isn’t lifted in October and a whole lot has to go right down the stretch. Either way, these players embrace the pressure

- PAUL FRIESEN @friesensun­media

The expectatio­ns were already weighty enough as the Winnipeg Jets entered training camp, still fairly fresh off a run to the Western Conference final last spring.

They’ve only been piling up like December snow, since.

Going into their seasonopen­er in St. Louis, Thursday, the Jets have been picked to win the Stanley Cup by mighty publicatio­ns such as

The Hockey News ,byThe Sports Network and by various so-called experts from various outlets that cover Canada’s game.

Mathieu Perreault has seen this movie before.

“My years in Washington they were always a favourite, every year in training camp,” Perreault recalled of his first few seasons in the NHL. “And the year I was in Anaheim, same thing. But it doesn’t come easy.”

It didn’t come at all for those teams.

The Capitals waited until last season to finally overcome their demons of playoffs past.

“You need a lot of things to go your way for that to happen,” Perreault continued. “Hopefully we can do that this year.

“We believe in ourselves here. We think we have the team to do some damage.” So do a lot of people. But getting to the conference final one season often doesn’t result in a team taking one more step, or two, the next.

It’s easy to find things that are right with the Jets. Their ability to score, their speed, their depth up front, their defence and their goaltendin­g all should be among the NHL’s best.

There are flaws, too, or at least big enough questions to potentiall­y derail the parade long before it even points in the direction of Portage and Main.

This team has one of the game’s most lethal shooters in Patrik Laine, but it doesn’t have an elite playmaking centre to set him up.

Bryan Little finished last season in the bottom six, thanks to the acquisitio­n of Paul Stastny at the trade deadline.

Little has been bumped back up to the No. 2 centre role almost by default. It sure hasn’t been from an explosion of chemistry with Laine in the pre-season, as the Finn went goal-less.

Perreault, too, ended last season in a reduced role. But he’s up with Little and Laine to start this season.

The man some expected would grab the No. 2 centre role and run with it, Jack Roslovic, will start the year in the bottom six, alongside Nik Ehlers and rookie Kristian Vesalainen.

Hands up if you saw Ehlers (29 goals last season) start there, going into camp.

So while we know exactly what the Jets will get out of two lines (Mark Scheifele’s and Adam Lowry’s), questions swirl around the other two.

“This wasn’t something on paper at the start of camp that we’d go to,” head coach Paul Maurice said. “We kind of worked our way through to it. The best answer is, ‘We’ll see.’

“I like what they might be able to do.”

It took Maurice, going into his fifth full season, some time and plenty of grinding to get his team to play winning hockey. That is, to think not of scoring goals as the top priority, but of playing smart, defence-first hockey, and letting the offence come off that.

Last season, the Jets nearly mastered it.

Pile on increased individual expectatio­ns — Laine scoring 50, all the kids adding to their totals, Little bouncing back, Lowry’s line expecting more offence — and they might have to learn it all over again.

“If we hit that ice and we’re talking about scoring more, we might — but we won’t be winning more,” is how Maurice put it.

The expectatio­ns heaped on the team are another animal, entirely.

Last year at this time, the Edmonton Oilers were everybody’s darling, and we saw how that turned out.

Many players are more comfortabl­e cast in underdog roles, feeding off the chip on their shoulders to prove people wrong.

“If we listened to them last year, I think we were picked to finish last in our division,” captain Blake Wheeler said this week. “Everyone’s got something to prove, including us. So, what’s said or what’s written or what happened last year doesn’t matter anymore.

“I don’t know this, but tell me the last time The Hockey

News picked the Stanley Cup? Did they pick Washington last year? You know what I mean? It’s flattering, obviously it means you’re on the right path and they see some things they like in our team ... but it doesn’t mean anything.”

See what I mean? Nobody picked the Jets a year ago, and they thrived.

The Capitals wilted annually, until people stopped picking them.

Flattery tends to get you nowhere.

“There was a set of pressures and circumstan­ces we dealt with last year,” Maurice said. “We had missed the playoffs twice, the world was coming to an end if we lost the first one, which we did. And this year we probably should win two Stanley Cups. That’s how good it should be. Every game must be won by five.

“But you’re working for that. You worked really, really hard to get to a point where there’s a little more pressure on your hockey team.”

What the Jets ultimately do with all that pressure will determine, in large part, how their season goes.

Embrace it, and they’ll be in the mix next spring.

Have it buckle their knees, and the so-called experts will look like idiots one more time.

Everyone’s got something to prove, including us. So, what’s said or what’s written or what happened last year doesn’t matter anymore.

Jets’ Blake Wheeler

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