The Province


Assistance dog in training ate weed in park


A 10-week-old assistance dog-in-training became severely ill after consuming marijuana that was discarded in a city park

Unresponsi­ve hind legs, utter lethargy and a foggy, zonked-out look were among the symptoms that caused Gaia’s handlers to fear there was something severely wrong with their 10-week-old assistance dog-in-training last Sunday.

After a little sleuthing, it turned out that Gaia, one of the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society’s latest prospects, had sniffed out and eaten marijuana that had been discarded or left in a Vancouver park. The yellow lab had become the latest entrant into a pack of pot-poisoned dogs that has grown markedly in recent months and whose members are showing more severe symptoms than usual.

Tara Doherty, a spokeswoma­n for PADS, explained how Sunday’s episode began.

“In this case, the puppy was out with its raiser, and young puppies notoriousl­y put stuff in their mouths. They’re like babies. It’s part of how they explore the world,” Doherty said. “They were out for a walk and being quite diligent about keeping an eye on the puppy, but obviously somewhere along the way the puppy picked something up when they were walking through a local park.”

Back home, Gaia started showing “classic symptoms” of marijuana toxicity, including glazed eyes and a lack of balance. When the handler took her out to urinate, the puppy fell to one side and rolled over, unable to control herself.

Gaia’s recovery was mercifully swift and she rode out the drug in about 24 unpleasant hours. But her poisoning was the eighth among PADS’s 160 dogs in just the past year. That compares to an average of two cases per year the society had seen before the start of 2018.

Rob Koreman, the co-owner and manager of the Animal Emergency Clinic of the Fraser Valley, said his veterinari­ans handle cases of marijuana toxicity on nearly a daily basis. He said that while there has been a minor bump in overall cases since cannabis had been legalized, severe cases have spiked due to dogs ingesting edibles.

“This is kind of scary,” Koreman said. “Because of the inconsiste­ncy in the strength, it’s now becoming really serious. If a dog had gotten into a roach or part of a joint or something like that, it wasn’t really that bad. … (They) might be hospitaliz­ed for several hours to overnight, but an almost guaranteed recovery.

“However, with oils and edibles, it’s now getting very serious. Animals potentiall­y staying for multiple days in the hospital with very guarded prognoses for recovery.”

Al Longair, a Duncan-based veterinari­an and the president of the B.C. chapter of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Associatio­n, said reactions in dogs to THC can range from mild hyperactiv­ity or agitation to seizures, stupor and coma. The psychoacti­ve cannabinoi­d is absorbed most rapidly when in a fatty form, and the size of the animal that ingests it makes a big difference on the outcome, he said.

The increasing frequency with which PADS dogs have been poisoned by pot is particular­ly alarming. While the society’s service dogs and those in training spend far more time outside than the average pooch, they are taught in the first four weeks of training never to eat anything on the ground, Doherty said.

The puppy raiser who was out with Gaia at the time she ingested marijuana “is a highly experience­d and longtime volunteer of PADS” who has previously raised nine dogs for the society, Doherty said.

Because of the inconsiste­ncy in the strength, it’s now becoming really serious.”

Rob Koreman, vet clinician

 ?? — NICK PROCAYLO ?? Catherine McLaughlin and her puppy Gaia take a stroll through Riverview Park, where Gaia had eaten some cannabis she had sniffed out.
— NICK PROCAYLO Catherine McLaughlin and her puppy Gaia take a stroll through Riverview Park, where Gaia had eaten some cannabis she had sniffed out.
 ?? — NICK PROCAYLO ?? Catherine McLaughlin holds Gaia, a Pacific Assistance Dogs Society puppy who has recovered since consuming some cannabis discarded in a Vancouver park. Eight PADS dogs have been poisoned by eating pot in the past year.
— NICK PROCAYLO Catherine McLaughlin holds Gaia, a Pacific Assistance Dogs Society puppy who has recovered since consuming some cannabis discarded in a Vancouver park. Eight PADS dogs have been poisoned by eating pot in the past year.

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