The Province

A new breed of brooding

Don’t worry, be a problem solver instead


Everyone suffers occasional­ly from rumination­s, recurring thoughts about the causes and consequenc­es of distressin­g topics.

Now, however, with the huge upheaval, inability to know when things will return to normal and lack of understand­ing about this virus, repetitive, passive thinking is becoming a persistent problem for many.

And it’s not just unpleasant. Ruminating can interfere with your ability to concentrat­e, sleep well or control spiralling anxiety.

What can we learn from the experts who study rumination, a common feature of depression and obsessive compulsive disorder?

Not all rumination is counterpro­ductive.

Denise Sloan at Boston University divides ruminators into two categories. Brooders are plagued by negative, abstract thoughts. They focus on their distress and on the problem itself rather than possible solutions. Reflective ponderers, on the other hand, feel only minimal distress as they turn inward to try to solve the problem.

The Response Styles Theory that Susan Nolen-Hoeksema at the University of Michigan has proposed is even more helpful. She said we adopt

one of four thinking styles when distressed. The first is to deny or avoid thinking about the problem; second to ruminate (Sloan’s “brooders”); third to look for ways to relieve distress (“reflective ponderers”); and fourth to seek social support.

Which is most useful in our current circumstan­ces?

The answer depends on the problem. If there’s clearly no answer yet — for example, exactly when lockdown will end — it’s best either to avoid thinking about the problem altogether, or at least learn to think about it without becoming unduly upset. Or to focus on ways to relieve your distress, such as aerobic exercise,

yoga, or learning mindfulnes­s. There are many excellent online yoga classes; Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s book Mindfulnes­s: Finding Peace in a Frantic World is probably the best way to introduce yourself to the practice.

If you’re ruminating about something that’s potentiall­y solvable — for example, how to obtain food while self-isolating — reflective pondering is your best approach.

Start by brainstorm­ing: Make a list of all possible solutions. Then rank them and try them out one by one.

Whatever the problem, the least useful strategy is ruminating. It solves nothing and worse, as Nolen-Hoeksema found, it maintains low mood and increases anxiety.

Seeking social support, if you do so to distract yourself from worries, is great. But it won’t help much if your aim is to feel reassured.

Although you’ll feel relieved in the short term, seeking reassuranc­e encourages feelings of helplessne­ss and means you’ll find yourself anxiously contacting others ever more frequently.

Finally, although it may sound trivial, how you refer to yourself can really make a positive difference. Avoid saying you’re anxious or worried.

Instead, call yourself a problem solver.

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