The Province

Rangers on hand after latest coyote encounters

Public urged not to feed them, tips offered to scare them away


Rangers have been sent to Stanley Park and a big swath of the downtown green space has been taped off after a pair of fresh coyote encounters.

The rangers plan to hit the park for a couple of weeks to spread informatio­n about the behaviour of the dozen-odd canines that are local to the park, and about what people can do to prevent or diffuse aggressive encounters. The big thing is to never feed them, say park board staff.

The informatio­n campaign comes after two more people were chased by coyotes last week, bringing the total to 13 in less than a month. One of the people was bitten, according to the Vancouver park board. The encounters have happened around Brockton Oval and the Hollow Tree near Prospect Point, and many trails in the area have been closed.


Coyotes are naturally timid and scared of people, but they can get bold and aggressive if they are fed, according to the Stanley Park Ecology Society. Feeding them is bad for their health and it can cause them to lose their natural fear of people, making it only a matter of time until they are destroyed, according to the society.

Feeding coyotes is also an offence under the Wildlife Act. The province calls for anyone seen feeding or attracting dangerous wildlife to be reported at 1-877-9527277. Indirect feeding can also lead to coyotes becoming aggressive, according to the province.


Scaring coyotes can help maintain distance between people or pets and coyotes, according to the society. Acting big, brave and loud by waving arms and sticks, throwing things and shouting will help keep space. Don't run. It could trigger a hunt or play drive in the animal and you can't outrun them anyway. Coyotes can hit 65 km/h in a sprint and comfortabl­y maintain 30 km/h, according to the society.

If a coyote is not deterred by that kind of behaviour or starts to be aggressive, keep eye contact, pick up pets or children, and slowly back away, according to the society. Then call the ministry of environmen­t at 1-877-9527277.

A ranger will be posted at a booth near Lumbermen's Arch with informatio­n prepared by the Stanley Park Ecology Society, according to park board. The society has posted informatio­n in several languages on its website about coexisting with coyotes.

Conservati­on officers are now trying to catch the coyote that chased the latest visitors.

 ?? NICK PROCAYLO/PNG ?? Warning signs are shown as the city's park board launches an education campaign about coexisting with coyotes after reports of coyotes chasing joggers and cyclists in Stanley Park. One person has been bitten.
NICK PROCAYLO/PNG Warning signs are shown as the city's park board launches an education campaign about coexisting with coyotes after reports of coyotes chasing joggers and cyclists in Stanley Park. One person has been bitten.

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