The Standard (St. Catharines)

Populism is sinister


I am writing about the surge in editorials in the media regarding the rise of “populism” in recent elections. First there was Brexit in Britain followed by Trumpism in the U.S.

An editorial comment in a right wing newspaper recently defined populism as a “means of addressing the concerns of ordinary people.”

This, I feel, is a shrewd attempt to downplay the negative and dangerous aspects of the movement as it is evolving in the world today.

It is a form of right wing nationalis­m. Historical­ly it has been seen as the political struggle of the “pure people” against the “corrupt elite.”

It is, I feel, much more sinister than that. It has become a knee-jerk reaction, a backlash by angry, frightened people who, feeling they are being badly treated in society, seek vengeance against these so called “elites.”

Certain politician­s and media personalit­ies take advantage of this fear, anger and ignorance to advance their own agendas. This keeps the people acting on their emotions and fears rather than on reasoned thought and facts.

The British are now having “buyer’s remorse,” facing the real economic consequenc­es their Brexit vote brought about. More and more Americans are also having second thoughts about voting for what seems to be a government run by a phony, a man who somehow managed to go bankrupt owning a casino.

And still a right wing press speaks about “populism” as just the thing we Canadians need to turn things around!

The mind boggles! Richard Murri Niagara Falls

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