The Standard (St. Catharines)

Cops concerned about using naloxone

Police board discusses Niagara opioid crisis


Concerns about potential Special Investigat­ions Unit involvemen­t have kept potentiall­y lifesaving medication out of the hands of Niagara’s front-line police officers.

Although Niagara Regional Police officers who commonly deal with drug enforcemen­t are equipped with naloxone kits and trained to use them to help keep overdose victims alive, Chief Bryan MacCulloch said he hopes to eventually equip all front-line officers with the medication.

However, he said police are concerned that if a person died after a police officer administer­ed naloxone, the province’s police watchdog would likely be called in to investigat­e.

Sandi Walker Tantardini — whose son Scott died of an overdose on Aug. 27, 2016 — called it “mind-blowing ” that an officer could be subject to an investigat­ion under the SIU after administer­ing naloxone.

“That’s disgusting — absolutely disgusting,” said Walker Tantardini, who was at Thursday’s police services board meeting to be part of a discussion on Niagara Region’s response to the growing number of deaths related to use of opioids such as fentanyl.

She said an exemption is in place in B.C. for officers administer­ing the drug.

“I’m wondering how we can get that to happen here.”

MacCulloch earlier said he plans to write to the SIU in early 2018 to determine the organizati­on’s potential response to a situation, “where we’re in all essence trying to save a life.”

But in addition to equipping officers with naloxone kits, Walker Tantardini said police also should undergo “sensitivit­y training.”

“I think if police are going to carry naloxone and administer it, they have to take off that police hat and now have to put on a different hat,” she said. “With that comes a whole different way of treating someone.”

In that type of situation, she said, police should be more concerned about reassuring the person rather than containing the situation.

MacCulloch said police officers undergo sensitivit­y training as part of their annual re-qualificat­ion training.

“We have seen a significan­t increase in the number of calls related to mental health and addictions. I think our officers do a fantastic job of showing empathy and compassion,” he said, adding police realize that no one plans to become a drug addict.

“We can always be better and reinforce that with our officers in their training scenarios.”

Deputy Chief Brett Flynn also pointed out that a police officer response to overdose calls could lead to informatio­n that could save more lives.

“What if there’s an opportunit­y during that investigat­ion to identity drug dealers who are providing people with lethal doses of drugs? We can stop them before it happens to someone else, and I think as a police agency we need to consider that.”

Walker Tantardini also suggested establishi­ng an unsanction­ed supervised injection site in Niagara, similar to Moss Park in Toronto.

“The community there is amazing. It’s very supportive. It’s nothing like what people think,” she said.

Niagara’s associate medical officer of health, Dr. Andrea Feller, said there’s an indication that supervised injection sites are saving the lives of the people who use them.

But in terms of the total population, the statistics are “quite different.” She said in Vancouver, researcher­s have determined that if the safe injection site is more than 500 metres away from a user’s location, “they will not go there.”

And despite a Niagara Emergency Medical Services map showing areas where the highest number of overdoses occur, she said the areas are “way more than 500 metres wide.”

Earlier in Thursday’s meeting, Feller discussed the limitation­s of naloxone.

“You give them naloxone, it is not a panacea. It is not a silver bullet. It can help reverse the opioid respirator­y suppressio­n … Give them the naloxone, that’s going to help. But I will tell you right now, they run away. They start to bring somebody back and they don’t hang around, especially if they see uniforms, even if it’s EMS.”

She said naloxone has been used by Niagara paramedics 112 times at 571 calls to which they responded.

StreetWork­s Needle Exchange, a program run by Positive Living Niagara, has given out about 300 naloxone kits that have been used.

Naloxone is being used and people are not calling EMS, Feller said.

“If there’s one message I can get out there, call EMS. We will help you over the phone. We will help you with breathing for the person. Do not use alone and call EMS,” Feller said. “Because these are people that are not all better. They need to go to the hospital or to some medical care.”

MacCulloch will provide the board with an update on the opioid issue from a police perspectiv­e, in three months.

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