The Standard (St. Catharines)

Put a little self-love in your holiday time

Tips for making successful self-care plan during festive season


It might not officially be Treat Yo Self day — that Parks and Recreation-inspired celebratio­n that demands you revel in massages, mimosas, fine leather goods and more — but the rigmarole of the holiday season practicall­y demands it.

“We’re super-heightened at this time of year, so schedule some selfcare time like an appointmen­t,” says Hamilton-based naturopath Renata Taravski. “We don’t treat ourselves with the same value as say, a dentist appointmen­t. But when you make a plan, it’s going to set you up for success.”

Taravski shared seven more tips for self-care during the holidays.

1. Know your limits

There’s only one way to avoid hosting a dinner, hunting down the perfect gift and manning the bake sale all in one day: Just say no. “It’s about setting boundaries,” Taravski says. “People tend to commit to things resentfull­y, thinking that they have to do them or else they feel guilty. But it’s really about knowing what your limit is and not feeling bad about it, and not trying to explain it.”

2. Plot your meal domination

Rather than being more restrictiv­e than a pair of size-small Spanx, allow yourself some wiggle room for delicious treats. “Give yourself a couple of days where you’re like, ‘I’m going to indulge in what I want to indulge in, in moderation,” says Taravski, adding that one blissful meal won’t add 10 pounds overnight.

“It’s the accumulati­on of the whole month of throwing everything out the window that we worked so hard for during the year. So plan your cheat days, your fun days, your indulgent days. Then you know you’re saving yourself for that favourite meal and you’re not going to feel an ounce of guilt about it.”

3. A moving experience

Lolling around like Jabba the Hutt may seem like an ideal way to spend an afternoon, but then again, ol’ Jabba wasn’t exactly the paragon of health. Just incorporat­ing a modicum of movement can offset food indulgence­s and keep you on track. “Even walking more or spending Christmas outside, or going bowling is exercise,” Taravski says. “Try to commit to meeting your friends or planning your holiday events around activities so you’re keeping active and you don’t feel like you’re working out. Make it fun. Go for a walk on Christmas Eve or Boxing Day. Don’t sit there and stuff your face.”

4. The big sleep

A well-rested guest is a guest who’s less likely to lash out with a shish kebab skewer. Fill your evening routine with good habits, like banishing your cellphone to a faraway corner. The scent of lavender also helps — try dabbing your pillow with it, or adding some to a diffuser — and give yourself a good hour to wind down.

“We’re going to be sitting with people or have conversati­ons that might be dreadful for us, and we’re less patient and loving if we’re not getting enough sleep,” Taravski says. “You might stay out late for a couple of days, but commit to your sleep schedule. If you have an event, know that you don’t have to stay to the very end.”

5. To tech or not to tech?

It’s tempting to think that if something’s not documented on social media, it never really happened. But a respite from virtual reality might be just what you need to enjoy actual reality.

“When I’m at a family event, I’ll take out my phone and take my picture — but then I put my phone away. I don’t have to be texting people at the dinner table,” says Taravski. “It’s really cherishing being with the people you’re with and giving yourself that mental break.”

6. Meditate on this

You don’t have to be a master yogi to gain the benefits of meditation — even a few minutes can help when you feel like you’re burning the pumpkin spice-scented candle at both ends.

“Meditation calms our nervous system down and gets us more calm and clear. We’re less likely to explode or react a certain way or feel the effects of stress,” says Taravski.

She recommends the free app Insight Timer, which is available for Android and iPhones, and has ambient sounds, visualizat­ions, lectures and guided imagery meditation­s in just about any length you need.

7. Curb your enthusiasm

With all due respect to Andy Williams, maybe this isn’t really the most wonderful time of the year. Maybe, for some, it’s the holiday equivalent of stepping barefooted on a piece of Lego. It might be the anniversar­y of the death of a loved one, your financial situation might be particular­ly dire, or the holidays might not have turned out the way you hoped.

“Just because it’s Christmas it doesn’t mean that it’s all bunnies and rainbows the whole month. Let go of your expectatio­ns and accept whatever shows up in the moment. That’s not just for people who experience depression — that’s for all of us,” says Taravski.

“Reach out to people around you and share your vulnerabil­ity. At the end of the day, as humans, we all want connection. And the holidays are the perfect time reignite it.”


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