The Standard (St. Catharines)

Liberals accused of using public funds to campaign


TORONTO — Ontario’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have accused the governing Liberals of spending public funds on campaignst­yle events ahead of the spring election, and have asked Elections Ontario to investigat­e.

Tory officials said Monday that party lawyers sent a letter to the agency responsibl­e for administer­ing provincial elections, alleging the Liberals held events this month advertisin­g “political platforms” rather than government programs.

Campaign adviser Frank Klees told a news conference that the Liberals have taken “a scandalous approach ... to campaignin­g.”

“Over the last two weeks, (Premier) Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal party have been shamelessl­y campaignin­g on the taxpayer’s dime,” he said. “Just today, Wynne sent out four of her ministers across the GTA to make additional campaign stops.”

The Tories said the Liberal party should foot the bill for those events, not taxpayers.

“We’re asking Elections Ontario to investigat­e this, and we would call on — and we trust Elections Ontario will call on — the Liberal party to reimburse the taxpayers,” Klees said.

Elections Ontario declined to comment on whether it had received the complaint or if it would be investigat­ing.

Liberal campaign co-chair Deb Matthews rejected the Tory allegation­s, saying Wynne is doing “what she’s always done. She is doing government announceme­nts of government initiative­s.”

Wynne spokespers­on Andrea Ernesaks said in a statement the allegation­s are hypocritic­al: “As the leader of the Opposition, (Doug) Ford relies on a large number of staff at the legislatur­e who are paid by the taxpayer.”

Ontario’s election is set for June 7.

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