The Standard (St. Catharines)

Trump sets back hopes for peace in Middle East


President Donald Trump was warned that moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would stoke the coals of conflict in the volatile region.

Both sides in the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict claim Jerusalem as their capital. To locate an embassy there now is to take sides, increase tensions, and lessen the chance for lasting peace in the region.

But on Monday Trump went ahead with the move anyway — in his usual fashion, unilateral­ly and without thought to consequenc­es — with predictabl­y deadly results.

By the time the embassy’s opening ceremonies were underway, tens of thousands of Palestinia­ns had gathered to protest the change at the border fence separating Israel from Gaza. Palestinia­ns threw stones and incendiary devices, the Israeli soldiers countered with bullets, and at least 52 Palestinia­ns were killed and thousands more injured.

Even for Trump, a man who thrives on unilateral­ism and risk, no matter the consequenc­es to his own country never mind the rest of the world, this was a stunningly bad move.

Trump likes to claim that he will be the one to bring peace to the Middle East. Instead, he recklessly laid the groundwork for the deadliest day of violence in years.

And even that’s not enough to change his world view. In a video message played at the embassy’s opening ceremony — in the midst of the violence — Trump claimed that the United States “remains fully committed to facilitati­ng a lasting peace agreement.”

And his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who attended the opening said: “When there is peace in this region, we will look back upon this day and will remember that the journey to peace started with a strong America recognizin­g the truth.”

Tell that to Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He described Trump’s move as the “slap of the century,” and said the U.S. could no longer be considered a neutral broker in Israeli-Palestinia­n peace talks now — or in the future.

Trump had been warned of that very danger by experts and allies. But he went ahead anyway to fulfil a campaign promise and curry favour with his base, including Christian evangelica­ls who are determined­ly pro-Israel.

Now the U.S. is an unlikely facilitato­r for peace. It’s also an internatio­nal outlier — again. There are 85 other countries, including Canada, that have diplomatic relations with Israel and not one of them has an embassy in Jerusalem.

None of this takes away from the obvious fact that Jerusalem is, in reality the capital of Israel — home to its parliament, Supreme Court, government ministries and the residences of its president and its prime minister.

Nor does it contradict the fact that Jews have a sacred connection to the city that goes back some 3,000 years and has continued through the ages in the face of occupation, war and exile.

But the status of Jerusalem can’t be resolved by moving an embassy there, any more than Trump can somehow bluster his way to peace. The city’s future must be decided as part of a wide peace initiative for the region and negotiated between the factions.

Trump’s rash decision to move the U.S. embassy now has not only provided another cause for tragic violence in the region, it has thrown more obstacles in the way of a true peace process.

Now the U.S. is

an unlikely facilitato­r for peace. It’s also an internatio­nal outlier — again.

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