The Standard (St. Catharines)

If you think this is bad, consider climate change impact in 20 years

- GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer’s book ‘Climate Wars’ was published in 2010. Unfortunat­ely, almost every word in it is still true.

This is Armageddon Summer in the northern hemisphere: out-of-control wildfires all around the Arctic Circle (not to mention California and Greece), weeks-long heatwaves with unpreceden­ted high temperatur­es, torrential downpours and Biblical floods. And yes, it’s climate change.

It’s quite appropriat­e to be frightened, because the summers will be much worse 10 years from now, and much worse again 10 years after that. Prompt and drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions now might stop the summers of the 2040s from being even worse, but they wouldn’t do much to lessen the mounting misery of the next 20 years. Those emissions are mostly in the atmosphere already.

Besides, we’re not going to see ‘prompt and drastic cuts in greenhouse emissions’ any time soon. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better — if it ever does get better. And so it is probably time to ask the obvious question: where will it all end?

The worst case isn’t the only case, or even the most likely case, but there may be some value in understand­ing how bad it could get if we miss all the exits on the highway to Hell. And here I’m going to quote from an interview I did 10 years ago with Dr. Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center. It’s all still true today.

He had been talking about the ‘feedbacks’ (melting permafrost, warming oceans, huge releases of methane and carbon dioxide). Because they cannot yet be fully incorporat­ed into the computer models of climate, they lead to systematic underestim­ates of future warming. And then he cut to the chase.

“If you take all these feedbacks into account, the estimates are that by 2100, instead of two to six degrees Celsius rise (in average global temperatur­e), it looks like a possibilit­y of six to 12 degrees ... These temperatur­e changes would change the ocean circulatio­n patterns and end up with much of the oceans going anoxic — very low oxygen content — which would then promote bacteria which produce hydrogen sulphates. These would rise and take out the ozone layer, and also make it somewhat difficult to breathe. This is by 2100.”

What Dennis Bushnell was referring to was ‘Canfield oceans,’ now strongly suspected of being the cause of four out of the big five mass extinction­s. Everybody knows about the huge asteroid that struck the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years and wiped out the dinosaurs. Fewer people know that there is no trace of an asteroid strike associated with the other four ‘great dyings,’ 444 million, 360 million, 251 million and 200 million years ago. So what happened?

One common factor was that the planet was unusually hot at the time, but the real clue was that the deep oceans were anoxic. There was no oxygen down there, and therefore no life that used oxygen. When the oceans are very warm, the ‘overturnin­g circulatio­n’ (like the Gulf Stream) that carries vast amounts of oxygen-rich surface water down into the depths simply stops, and the oceans stratify into an oxygenated surface layer and an anoxic deeper layer.

But there was still life down there: sulphate bacteria that normally hide in the silt. In an anoxic ocean, if the conditions are right, they rise to the surface and kill all the oxygen-based life in the sea.

Not only that, but hydrogen sulphide gas, a waste product of their metabolism, rises into the atmosphere, destroys the ozone layer, and drifts over the land where it also wipes out most life. This has happened at least four times.

Even if we avoid that fate, we may be heading for a mass dieback, including of human beings. Food is the key issue: as warming depresses productivi­ty and turns whole regions into desert, mass starvation is imaginable, although actual extinction seems improbable.

The situation is already quite grim. Bad news, but when you find yourself in a highstakes game you should know the stakes.

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