The Standard (St. Catharines)




1 Ritzy

5 Toll road

9 Buddhist sect 12 Garfield's pal

13 Hurler Hershiser 14 Altar affirmativ­e 15 “A Doll's House” heroine

16 Onion's kin

17 Can metal 18 Crossword diagram 19 Nile reptile

20 One of the Jackson 5 21 Chick's mom

23 Jurist Lance

25 Made 24 hours ago 28 Pollster's finds 32 Unlocks

33 Chopin piece

34 Money in coin 36 Egg-whisking utensil 37 Cock and bull? 38 Sixth sense 39 Karate school 42 300, to Cato

44 Use a fruit knife 48 Alias abbr.

49 Pop choice 50 “Zounds!”

51 Wee bit 52 “Dracula” author Stoker

53 Ladder part 54 Sailor's assent 55 Eyelid woe

56 Rice wine


1 Vintage video game 2 Scent 3 iPhone voice

4 The boss's boss 5 Krakow's country 6 Enrages

7 “Consider this a gift” 8 Wapiti

9 Tubular pasta

10 Redact

11 Forbidden act

20 Lively tunes 22 Commercial cow 24 Grove units

25 Coifs

26 PC program

27 “— -haw!” (rodeo cry) 29 Fanatic

30 HST follower

31 Sun. talk

35 Debutante's date 36 Turned into

39 Facts and figures

40 Fine

41 Green gem

43 Sculpture medium 45 Water, in Mexico 46 Social standing

47 Rim

49 “60 Minutes” airer

 ??  ??

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